He Answered
Lord, do you watch as
I hold behind my eyes,
tears in waiting?
Do you see the foundations
for my dreams as they seem
to crumble at my touch?
And my poor misguided
love seems to wander
with lack of purpose.
There's nothing I can
do to salvage the
remnants of my happiness.
As it is your wish
for me to leave my
rooms and the walls
that protect me.
I know the strength
for my task is at
hand or you wouldn't
guide me in this direction.
But Lord, I pray as
the last minutes
draw near,
save me from this fate.
"I said this prayer, 4 years ago.
Shut up in my room, disabled I
prayed that I could stay there,
for I lacked the courage to
change. I believe God saw
into my heart and gave me
a answer to my hearts desire
instead of the expression
of my minds fear."
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Written by: Cara Marie Filipeli