Men's Tears
A man cries, but not for very long, the one's I've seen, seem to get side tracked into pride for being able to cry in the first place. Either that or over come with great shame which also brings about a need to stop. It's quite a shame really, that most men don't know, the great benefits of true lamenting. We women do, we are experts, the art has been handed down through countless generations. Certain very skilled lamenters are well known through out their family's. You see men, it's like this, something makes you cry, and the crying feels freeing, then you figure, that since you are crying you might as well, cry about everything. Until you come to a point where the things you are crying about just seem to stupid for the effort. Then you reach great resolve to fix the thing that made you cry in the first place. You pick yourself up by the new inner strength the ordeal has given you and you carry on. But remember this, if you cry to long you get one hellacious headache.
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Written by: Cara Marie Filipeli