Mom & Dad
The daytime calls for me to be courageous and strong,
to face adversity and happiness with equal passion.
I create my surroundings and either become satisfied
with my accomplishments or disappointed in my lack of effort.
I spend my days slamming the door on a past that wants
to rule me and welcoming my future with the wonder of a child.
My days belong to me, whatever I am and whatever I am to
But when night has fallen and I retire to the heavenly
softness and safety of my bed, I realize the night doesn't
belong to me. Instead, my heart reaches out to time long
past to a father that loved me to sleep with the tenderness
of a song gliding from his lips to my ears with the most
delightful voice any child could hear. As I drift to sleep
I hear the gift he gave to me then, a song not only for my
ears, but for my heart, where it is kept and listened to.
And through the far reaches of the darkened night comes
my mothers softness, her arms, her hands, and her touch.
Always there when I needed them most. And there when I
thought I didn't, but always there, crowned only by the
vision of her loving face. Oh how grateful I am to have
felt such love, and how thankful I am to realize it now.
So as I drift to sleep, I know that I belong to kinder
times, times that cradle me through to the next morning,
where their lessons are put to practice on another
unchartered day. A day I face with no fear, as I use
their love for my compass. That is why I'll always know.
The night belongs to them, my father and mother.
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Written by: Cara Marie Filipeli