Self Made Hell
Daytime with it's elusive details, tends to
lend an air of security, a sense of being
busy gives me the mistaken idea that
perhaps I might be of some use to myself,
doing chores, I am convinced it is a noble
cause and lending creativity to my motions
lets me delude myself into thinking that
they are unique unto me, oh what a soul
this is, lost in the ramblings my body tries
to speak, but the day draws to a closing,
nighttime ritual begins, silence sinks into
the walls, longing becomes a part of me
as I breathe in the air of the empty room,
my mind becomes obsessed with the
sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach,
this feeling of physical pain that seeps
into my bloodstream infecting my thought
with negativity, this feeling I feed with my
thoughts, my fears, my pitiful inadequacies,
will it end, will the pain cease to be in any
precious moment before death, or will
when I die be self contained in this pain
I created and wallowed in all these long,
lonely, empty years?
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Written by: Cara Marie Filipeli