Nana's House
When I'd go to Nana's house,
there was a magic there,
as if all the walls knew,
she loved me with great care,
it was as if I was welcomed
by the furniture and such,
and that every single nick knack
missed me oh so much,
I could touch most everything,
and did, with childs delight,
but there were three things off limits
though I tried with all my might,
"May I hold your dollies"
"No" she said to me,
they are my best friends,
and my best company.
Years passed, so many,
where she was left alone,
did those dollies hug my Nana,
and make her feel at home?
Don't tell me that loneliness
tugged at her great heart,
I couldn't bear the thought of it,
nor think I was a part,
of creating that vast emptiness,
of her days without a word,
my Nana died so lonely,
and it seems so damned absurd!
Tell me now she hears me,
when I call her name,
and feels the love I give her,
and loves me just the same.
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Written by: Cara Marie Filipeli