My Nana Loved Room Service
The graces of finer life was a condition my grand-mother was born to. Her adult life
turned out to be not as refined as her youth. She never seemed bitter to me, in fact as
a child and young adult I never saw regret in her at all. To me she was fun loving and
often shared with me her delightful sense of humor.
I was more than privileged to be paired up with my grand-mother during travels
and family get togethers and rarely left her side. Which allowed me to be privy to a more
personal side of her than the rest of the family. Perhaps in life we receive only the blessings
we will be sure to appreciate.
One of the things I noticed about her that now lives in my memory bank as a precious
jewel was the fact that she loved room service. She'd start off by saying "You know,
we could stay in bed and they'd bring the food right to us" of course this was merely
said to point out that it could be done if we were so inclined, which of course we never
could be unless we first got up and got dressed, for one never appeared before others
She'd point out the linen, the dishes, and the fact that she didn't have to wash them. She'd
share her delight in the glorious presentation of the coffee carafe, and made the pouring
of the fresh hot coffee a celebration of luxury.
Her life wasn't a easy one, but there were moments, brief though they were that took her
back to that special place where lace and linen mattered. How lucky for me that I
got to see those moments, to share them and to learn that you actually can call room
service and have them serve you in bed if you want to.