5-2 GENERAL CODE OF OPERATING RULES -Fourth Edition -April 2, 2000


Employees may use other hand signals only if all crew members understand the signals. When

employees are not giving hand signals, they must not make any gestures or movements that

may resemble a hand signal.


5.3.2 Giving Signals

Employees who give signals must:

• Make sure signals can be plainly seen.

• Give signals clearly so they can be understood.

• Give signals on the engineer’s side of the track when practical.


5.3.3 Signal Disappearance

If a person disappears who is giving the signal to back or shove a train, engine, or car, or the

light being used disappears, employees must:

• Stop movement, unless employee on leading car controls the air brakes.


5.3.4 Signal to Stop

Any object waved violently by any person on or near the track is a signal to stop.


5.3.5 Acknowledge Stop Signal

Acknowledge any signal to stop a train unless it is a fixed signal. When flagged, the engineer

must obtain a thorough explanation from the flagman before proceeding.


5.3.6 Radio and Voice Communication

Employees may use radio and other means of voice communication to give information when

using hand signals is not practical. Employees must make sure crew members:

• Know which moves will be made by radio communication.

• Understand that while using the radio, the engineer will not accept any hand signals, unless

they are Stop signals.


5.3.7 Radio Response

When radio communication is used to make movements, crew members must respond to

specific instructions given for each movement. In addition:

• Radio communications for backing and shoving movements must specify the direction and

distance and must be acknowledged when distance specified is more than four cars.

Movement must stop within half of the distance specified unless additional instructions

are received.


5.4 Flags for Temporary Track Conditions

5.4.1 Temporary Restrictions

Track bulletins, track warrants, or general orders may restrict or stop train movements because

of track conditions, structures, men, or equipment working. Yellow flags will be used for

temporary speed restrictions. Yellow-red flags will be used when a train may be required to stop.


5-6 GENERAL CODE OF OPERATING RULES-Fourth Edition-April 2, 2000


5.4.7 Display of Red Flag or Red Light


A red flag or red light is displayed where trains must stop. When approaching a red flag or red light, the train must stop short of the red flag or red light and not proceed unless the employee in charge gives verbal permission, including the milepost location of the red flag or red light. If permission to proceed is received before the train stops, the train may pass the red flag or red light without stopping.


If track bulletin Form B is not in effect, permission must include speed and distance. This speed

must not be exceeded until the rear of the train has passed the specified distance from the red

flag or red light, unless otherwise instructed by the employee in charge.


Displayed Between Rails. When a red flag or red light is displayed between the rails of a track other than a main track or controlled siding, the train must stop and not proceed until the flag or light has been removed by an employee of the class that placed it.


5.4.8 Flag Location

Flags will be displayed only on the track affected. However, when yellow, yellow-red, or red flags

or red lights are used for protection without a track bulletin, track warrant, or general order, these

flags must be placed to protect all possible access to the restricted area.

Flags must be displayed to the right of the track as viewed from an approaching train, except red

flags or red lights may be displayed between the rails as outlined in Rule 5.4.7 (Display of Red

Flag or Red Light). Flags will be placed in this manner unless otherwise specified by track

bulletin, track warrant, special instructions, or general order.

When flags are displayed beyond the first rail of an adjacent track, the flags will not apply to the

track on which the train is moving.



5-7 GENERAL CODE OF OPERATING RULES-Fourth Edition-April 2, 2000

5.6 Unattended Fusee

If a train approaches an unattended fusee burning on or near its track, the train must stop before passing the fusee, if consistent with good train handling.



After the fusee burns out, or after 10 minutes if the fusee is not visible, the train must proceed at restricted speed until the head end is 1 mile beyond the fusee.


If the unattended burning fusee is beyond the first rail of an adjacent track, the fusee does not apply to thetrack on which the train is moving.

Do not place fusees where they may cause fires.