California & Nevada Fire Weather Sites

also see Northern California Interagency Fire Weather Center

Southern California Interagency Fire Weather Center

NOAA Fire Weather Sites

  • Sacramento - Central Sierra Nevada from Eldorado N.F. and Tahoe N.F., west to the coast from Santa Cruz through Sonoma County.

  • Hanford - Southern Sierra Nevada from Stanislaus N.F. to the Tehachapi mountains, and west to the coast from Monterey to Santa Barbara.

  • Ventura to San Diego - Southern California, from Ventura county to the Mexico border, and east to the Arizona and Nevada state lines.

  • Riverside - Northeast - From the east slopes of the southern Sierra Nevada, to the Nevada border (Southern Mono and Inyo counties).

  • Reno - Northwest Nevada and Northeast California, from Lake Tahoe to the Oregon border.

  • Las Vegas - Southern Nevada and Northwest Arizona

Latest Fire Weather Watch/Red Flag Warnings

NOAA Fire Weather Page


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