The Western Pacific Railroad Historical Society & Feather River Rail Society Convention  

April 27-28, 2001, at the Holiday Inn & Holidome, 1612 Sisk Rd.  Modesto, CA


1:00-11:00 PM Friday     Registration form and Information     9:00AM-11:00PM Saturday      


Clinics every hour, Swap area, WPRRHS/FRRS sales, Model  display and contest, Photo Contest, Memorabilia Displays,  Slide shows, Clinics and Raffles.  We have 7 new presenters this year.   Slides will be shown after clinics, bring what you have to show.   

There will be a drawing from the first 50 registrations for a print, WP FTs & GS6 in the Sierras

There will also be a special raffle for a California Zephyr print, Feather & Steel by Desobeau.


Rooms:  The Holiday Inn is holding a block of rooms for us till April 13.  Cost is $79.00 per  night;  Four per room; Reservations should be made by calling the Hotel direct at (209) 931-3131 or 1-800 334-2030.  Mention the convention.  There is a great lounge and restaurant adjacent to our meeting rooms and a pool just outside for the hardy or inside if you prefer.

Alternate motels within 3 miles.


Comfort Inn of Salida  @ $72.00   209-543-7800       Vagabond Inn $55.00  1-800-522-1555  


Banquet:  Saturday night, Dinner will be a Western (all you can eat) Buffet featuring Chicken, Beef and Lasagna with all the fixings. The featured presenters will be Norman Holmes with stories and tales of the founding of the Feather River Rail Museum and Eugene Vicknair on The Tidewater Branch.


 Swap Meet:  We will provide you an area to swap/sell your W.P. related items.


Clinics:   (Fri)        The Nevada Northern by Dave Stanley;   WP Boxcars by Thom Anderson;           WP 16 mm by Virgil Staff;    History of the Highline by Vic Neves; WP Images by Tom Taylor; Research The Old Way by Dave Connery; Freight Cars on the Sierra in the 50s by John Zach  (Sat)  Tidewater Branch/The Modern Day T W Southern by Ken Rattenne;  Research on the Web by Bruce Conklin; The Tesla District by Dan Mosier; Oakland’s 3rd Street Depot by Steve Hayes; The Railroad Depot by Henry Bender.


                    The above is subject to change, as we all know!  

HELP!  We are looking for a chairperson, for Oakland in 2003.  Contact Steve Hayes






Name(s):________________________   Address:__________________________


               ________________________                 ___________________________


Phone:   ________________________   E-Mail   ___________________________   


Note:  There is no charge for non-rail spouses to attend, except for the Banquet.  A post card will be sent to confirm.  Bring this with you!  This is your registration and dinner ticket.  We must submit number of banquet tickets one week prior to event. 


                                   Regular Fare Ticket $18.00, $23 at the door                                       

         Deluxe Fare Ticket includes Banquet  $44.00     _____Banquet only($26.00)

Please make checks to:  Western Pacific Convention 2001, and send to Steve Hayes

 P.O. Box 1083, Soulsbyville, California 95372.         (209)536-1847  or