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We are using McDougal Littell Mathematics this year. It is the same series used in the RCS junior high. All students are required to have a three ring binder divided into four sections (homework, notes, quizes, and tests). Daily work should be completed on graph paper to help keep the problems neat and organized. There is a quiz every Friday and a test at the end of each chapter. Parents and students may call me anytime if there are questions.
Our Bible lessons are taken from the Wild Truth series. We will be covering a variety of topics including decision making, comfort zones, influencing others, selfishness, trust, and thankfulness. The lessons engage students in fun activities and promote deep discussions. We will also be studying the many names of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of spending time with Him each day. There will be a memory verse quiz each Friday and various activities and projects throughout the week.
Our science text is entitled "Observing God's World" from the A Beka Book series. We have already studied plants, volcanoes, and earthquakes, and are currently learning about rocks, minerals, and metals. Later we will explore the topics of the universe, matter & chemistry, and invertebrates. Lessons include discussions, note taking, experiments, and lots of hands on activities.
You will find one corner of our room devoted to our animal friends! Students take turns feeding and caring for each of the animals on a rotating basis. They may also take an animal home for the weekend after writing a summary about how to care for its needs and getting a parent's permission. Snowflake Chester & Chelsey Frappuccino |