Winter 2009 Quarter Project
8th Grade
3-D Periodic Table
Goal: With the contributions of your peers, you will build a 3-D periodic table of elements using shoe boxes.
Description: Use shoe box for a single element to show its characteristics and its position on the periodic table.
Supplies: Two shoe boxes without lids
Blue, yellow or green paint to cover box.
Will be painted at school
Markers, 3x5 index cards
Miscellaneous items according to element and your
Important note: shoe box must be a men's or women's size shoe box (not a child size or boot size, etc).
Requirements: Two elements will be assigned to you. You will paint the interior and exterior of the box (according to whether it is a metal, nonmetal or metalloid) and add information and items described below.
Extra credit: build a third shoe box element
You will give the element's name, *atomic number, *symbol, *atomic mass, and a symbol (which will be supplied to you) to represent the state of the element at room temperature.
*Size of letters ______________ inches
On one note card, write history of the element's name, the meaning of name, and the year of its discovery.
On another note card, write a description of the element's physical characteristics and two interesting, weird, or wacky facts about your element.
Place an item or picture of your element as it could be used in our daily lives with a description of that use. For example, a lithium battery, ball of aluminum foil, or a picture of a tracer bullet could be placed in your shoe box for the elements lithium, aluminum, and antimony.
Left side Center Right side
History of name Name Two interesting
Year discovered Symbol facts
Atm. mass Description of physical
State of matter characteristics
Item or photo of
Building of Periodic Table
On the day shoe box element is due, we will assemble the shoe boxes according to the periodic table.
Grading is based upon designing and decorating the shoe box with the above required information and items along with neatness, organization, and creativity. Grading sheet will be a separate page.
Due dates
Date to turn in shoe box to be painted --Monday, March 2
Date to turn in completed shoe box--Wednesday, March 11