Winter 2009 Quarter Project
7th Grade
Animal Life Cycle Puppet Show
Goal: Design, create, and perform an animal life cycle puppet show.
Description: With or without a classmate's help, you will research an animal's life cycle. You will then create puppets and a narrative to describe the life cycle and perform the puppet show in class. Stage will be provided by teacher.
Requirements: Research one animal chosen from a list provided by your teacher. You must research the stages (according to the animal chosen). These stages will include some but not all of the following:
Egg gestation period (how long animal is in mother's womb)
Larva live born—size and weight
Pupa juvenile—characteristics
Adult—average size, weight, lifespan
Also include research concerning diet of the animal, habitat, country where found, and two interesting, weird, or wacky facts about your animal.
Suggestions for creating and assembling puppets—sock puppets, hand puppets, stick puppets, marionettes, pictures or illustrations. One stage of life cycle must be 3-dimensional.
Write a narrative to describe the animal's life cycle that lasts no more than one to two minutes. The narrative can be read by a friend or recorded while you perform with the puppets.
During the puppet show, the following tools will be available for your use:
CD player, DVD player, cassette player, and projector, and my laptop computer**. These can be used for background sound, background music, animal sounds (of your animal), background scene (of habitat). You may also record your narration. Please let me know if you'd like to use any of these.
**My laptop will be available only under certain circumstances and only with advanced permission from me.
Completion of research worksheet 25 points
Creativity 5 points
Supply/planning worksheet 15 points
Narrative 15 points
Puppets 15 points
Performance/play 25 points
100 pomts
If you are completing this project with a classmate, please complete form that shows how the assignment will be divided. Each of you must complete the research worksheet and supply/planning sheet.
Due Dates
Completed research worksheet_____________________
Completed supply/planning worksheet________________
Name of Animal_____________________________
Scientific name (genus species)___________________________
Circle one mammal reptile bird insect/spider amphibian
Native country(ies) ________________________________________________
Interesting, wacky or weird animal fact
This animal begins life ______________________________________________
The next stage____________________________________________________
The next stage____________________________________________________
The next stage ____________________________________________________
Final stage of life__________________________________________________
Questions to ask while you're researching—How does this animal obtain food? Where/how does it rest? Does it live with others of its kind? Does it migrate and if so, when and where? How large is an adult (length and weight)? How large at birth or when hatched? What is the lifespan of this animal?
Research worksheet—each must complete
Supply/planning sheet—each must complete
Construction of puppets_____________________
Recordings/background design________________