8th Grade Life Science

Egg Drop


Your mission is to design and construct a vehicle of restricted size that will protect its payload (a large raw grade-A egg).  The structure and packaging must protect the egg from breaking when dropped from the second story of the high school building (approximately 20-30 ft.)



Design a device with the lightest weight, the fewest number of parts, and the most accurate drop to the Drop Zone Target (see equation on next page).


Design Constraints


Suggested materials

            Plastic straws                        toothpicks                  rubber bands

            Cotton balls                            string/twine                 ladies stockings (nylons)

            Paper/cardboard box           scotch/masking tape           

            Tissue paper                         pipe cleaners             plastic bottles

            Cardboard rolls                     paper clips                 paper/plastic cups

Illegal items: sponges, glass, duct tape, styrofoam (or foam of any kind), bubble wrap, items that will splatter (peanut butter, Jell-O, liquids, etc.)



  1. Each vehicle will be inspected to determine compliance with the rules.
  2. Each vehicle will be weighted at the competition.  The weight will be measured in grams with no egg inside.
  3. The number of parts used for each device will be counted.  Each individual piece will count as one part.  For example, if the egg is cradled in 100 cotton balls glued together, the device will have 101 parts.  100 parts cotton balls and 1 part glue
  4. The Drop Zone will be comprised of three concentric rings:  two, four, and six feet in diameter.  The Drop Zone Score will be determined by where the payload lands.  Bull's eye – 1 pt.  Second ring – 2 pts Third Ring – 3 pts. Outside the rings – 4 pts. (numbers will be rounded to nearest tenth of a point)
  5. Each student will have two chances to qualify.  The better score will be used.
  6. Competition Scoring Formula


Score = [35(w/100) + 35(n/18) + 30 (DZ/2)]EIF

     W = weight of the vehicle in grams

      N = Number of parts

      DZ = Drop Zone Score

      EIF = Egg Integrity factor (1 if not cracked, 3 if cracked, 10 of broken)


Note:  Formula is based on the ideal of a device that weighs less than 100 g, has less than 18 parts, and will drop in the first or second ring without breaking.


  1. Bonus Criteria:  create a vehicle that can safely carry the greatest number of eggs.





Creativity – 25 pts. (A soda bottle filled with paper is not creative and will not protect the egg)

Meeting size and weight requirements – 15 pts

Egg survival Rate – 10 points

Competition placement – 75 pts

Documentation – 25 points

Bonus points : 5 points for each additional egg


Total value: - 150 pts.


Idea sketches and supply lists:__________________________________

Egg drop Date:_______________________________________________

All Documentation Due:____________________________________