7th Grade Life Science

Cell Model Project


You are to build a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell.  This model can be based upon an actual cell (muscle, nerve, skin cell) or based on the generic cell found in textbooks.  Do not base your model on the Bob Jones text we’re using.  If necessary, I can supply a picture of a cell and its organelles.


Design Constraints:

      Cell membrane

      Cell wall if plant cell

      Chloroplasts if plant cell –4 each

      Nucleus with pores in membrane

      Mitochondria –1 each

      Golgi body –1 each

      Ribosomes –4 (2 on ER and 2 in cytoplasm)

      Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) –next to nucleus, Rough and Smooth

      Vacuole –1 (large central vacuole if plant)

      Lysosome –1


Suggested materials

            Shoe boxes                 macaroni         pasta                           peanuts

            Plastic wrap                nuts/bolts        M&M’s                         straws

            Tissue paper               toothpicks        2 lt. bottles                   pipe cleaners

            Lg. Juice bottles          seeds              twigs                            fishing line

Please no liquids or Jell-O



Grading                                                                                  Deadlines


Creativity—25 pts

Idea sketches and supply list:________

Accuracy of model—85 pts

Date to bring model to school: ________

Size requirements and budget—15 pts.

Date to bring final documentation: _______

Documentation—25 pts


Bonus point—10 pts


Total value – 150 pts













Please turn in this information no later than Friday, November 20, 2009


What type of cell is your model?______________(plant, animal, skin cell?)

Where are you getting your ideas on how the organelles should look?


Please name book or website you are using.



What supplies do you think you will use?  You may change your mind later but it should be noted in the documentation.  Please include items such as paint, glue, etc.




Please make a sketch of your model.


























7th Grade Life Science

Cell Model Project



Name _______________________________


Date ________________________________

1.    List all materials that are be used to construct model and calculate cost.

          For example:  aluminum foil—no cost (already had on hand)

                                  Spray paint--$1









          TOTAL COST $_____________


2.    Check the resources that were used to determine shape and size of organelles

     _____parent                 _____internet               _____textbook

     _____classmate          _____other relative     

     _____other (explain)_________________


Give title of book and/or website address used________________________


3.    Describe the help given (if any) in designing and/or constructing model.





4.    Approximate time spent on design and construction____________



Grading—to be completed by teacher

                                                                                                          Page 2

Creativity--25 points

          Little to no creativity 0-10

          Creative 11-20

          Very Creative 21-25



Accuracy of model—85 points

          Number of organelles (5) ___________

          Accuracy of shape of organelles (15) ___________

          All parts of cell present (30) __________

          All parts labeled (20)_________

          Parts visible (15)__________


Meeting size requirements and budget –15 points

          On or Under budget (10)_______

          Over budget (0)________

          Satisfy size requirements (5) ______

                                                                                                TOTAL _________


Completing this form #1-4 —25 points

                                                                                                TOTAL _________


Bonus points for protein synthesis—10 pts

                                                                                                TOTAL _________


                                                          TOTAL PROJECT POINTS  ____________






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