8th Grade Life Science
Egg Drop
Your mission is to design and construct a vehicle of restricted size that will protect its payload (a large raw grade A egg). The structure and packaging must protect the egg from breaking when dropped from the second story of the gym building (approximately 20-30 ft.)
Design a device with the lightest weight, the fewest number of parts, and the most accurate drop to the Drop Zone Target (see equation on next page).
Design Constraints
Suggested materials
Plastic straws toothpicks rubber bands
Cotton balls string/twine ladies stockings (nylons)
Paper/cardboard box scotch/masking tape
Tissue paper pipe cleaners plastic bottles
Cardboard rolls paper clips paper/plastic cups
Illegal items: sponges, glass, duct tape, Styrofoam (or foam of any kind), bubble wrap, items that will splatter (peanut butter, Jell-O, liquids, etc.)
Score = [35(w/100) + 35(n/18) + 30 (DZ/2)]EIF
W = weight of the vehicle in grams
N = Number of parts
DZ = Drop Zone Score
EIF = Egg Integrity factor (1 if not cracked, .6 if cracked, .3 of broken)
Numbers will be rounded to nearest tenth of a point
Note: Formula is based on the ideal of a device that weighs less than 100 g, has less than 18 parts, and will drop in the first or second ring without breaking.
Creativity – 25 pts. (A soda bottle filled with paper is not creative and will not protect the egg)
Meeting size and weight requirements – 15 pts
Egg survival Rate – 10 points
Competition placement – 75 pts
Documentation – 25 points
Bonus points : 5 points for each additional egg
Total value: - 150 pts.
Idea sketches and supply lists:_______________________________
Egg drop Date: ___________________________________________
All Documentation Due: ____________________________________
8th Grade Physical Science
Egg Drop
Date ____________________________
________ cm Length _________cm Width ________ cm Height
_____parent _____internet _____books
_____classmate _____other relative _____my own design
_____other (explain)_________________
What improvements would help you score better on the test?
Egg Drop Results
1. W – Weight of Device __________
2. N = Number of Parts:___________
3. DZ = Drop Zone Score
Bull’s Eye – 1 pt. Second Ring – 2 pts. Third Ring – 3 pts.
Outside the Rings – 4pt.
Test 1 _____________ Test 2 _______________
4. EIF = Egg Integrity Factor (1 if not cracked, 3 cracked, 10 - broken)
Test 1 ________ Test 2 ___________
5. Competition Scoring (Use best scores):
Test Score 1 ______________ Test Score 2 ____________
Best Class Score ____________
Bonus Criteria:
Create a vehicle that can safely carry the greatest number of eggs.
# eggs _______
_____ Creativity (25)
_____ Meeting Size and Weight Requirements (15 points)
_____ Egg Survival Rate (10)
_____ Competition Placement (75)
_____ Documentation (25)
_____ Bonus Points: 5 points for each additional egg carried. Comments:________________________________________
_____ Total Value (150) Project Grade _________ %Reply | Forward |