Here are some answers to a number of common questions. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are usually available after our classes.
Time: Our rooms will be open by 7:45am. Class begins promptly at 8:00am.
Dismissal: Class is dismissed at 1:00pm. We will walk the children out and line up at the cones in front of the school. Stop along the cones facing west and please stay in your car, we will bring your child to you. Be sure to send a note if someone different will be picking up your child.
Snack and Lunch: Each child should bring a small lunch he or she can realistically eat. Also include a small, non-sugar snack for our morning recess. Milk tickets are available in the office.
Homework: Children will have assignments Monday through Thursday. During the first part of the year, homework should not exceed fifteen minutes. Parents should initial the upper right hand corner of each paper.