It is a privilege to work with you as together we lead your child to do his/her best in every way. We are certain that the Lord has a great year planned for us!
First Grade Events Schedule
Your First Grader will have homework on most Monday through Thursday evenings. Homework is due the next day. If we do not receive the homework or a note from you explaining why there is no homework, the student will be expected to do the work during recess.
Please sign each piece of homework in the upper right corner. Your signature indicates that you have looked at the homework, and that it is correctly done and neatly written.
Monday Envelopes
Each Monday, work envelopes will come home with graded papers from the previous week. Please look them over, sign the envelope, and return it on Tuesday. You may keep the papers.
Each child will celebrate his/her birthday by being the special helper for that day. Those children whose birthdays fall during the summer, will be assigned an "unbirthday".
Please limit birthday treats to something that can be easily sent home at the end of the day or that can be given to the class at lunchtime.
Each child will have a sharing time approximately once a month. We will have sharing every other Friday alternating with our Art class. We will let you know which group your child is in when we divide the class. A note will be sent home during "share" week to inform you of the topic for the Friday share.