Welcome to RCS Kindergarten
This is a special year for your child! Kindergarteners are so enthusiastic and energetic. We are blessed each day as we partner with you so that your child will develop a life-long love of learning and grow in their faith in the Lord.
Lunch: Hot lunches are provided daily for $3.50. They must be pre-ordered 2 weeks in advance. Please send the hot lunch slips back in your child's folder with attached payment by the due date. Your child needs a small, healthy snack each day for our first recess.
Schedule: Library is on Tuesdays-
Mrs. Pryor's class 10:45 -11:00 AM
Mrs. Spagnola's class 11:00-11:15 AM
Art class, taught by Mrs. Ambriz, is every other Monday at 9:45-10:30 AM (alternating classes).
Our morning snack and recess is 9:15 - 9:30 AM. Our lunch and recess is 11:15-11:45 AM.
Money: Please place payments in your child's purple folder and we will send them to the office.