These micro files are my personal study notes on nutritional facts, made
while I was striving to find out what I had become most depleted of, from
stress. I will continue to add to them, whenever I learn something new,
or delete something if I discover contradictory information.
The micro files are the short lists of nutritional fact relating to a partic-
ular substance, symptom, or condition. There is an inbuilt redundancy,
attempting to put almost everything someone would need to know in one file.
Sometimes I economized, saying "See .....".
Especially with nutritional facts, a data overload occurs when the human
brain tries to remember every little detail about a particular biochemical
situation. Everyone can see that nutritional knowledge is increasing every
These "facts" are purposely brief and unannotated, to make an uncomplicated
memory engram or engraving. Consider each line an allegation to be further
researched and verified. You should probably try it yourself before recom-
mending it to others. With the data files on your computer, you can add other
facts as you learn them, to continue adding to your own knowledge base.
These "facts" are the lines in the body's "songs of healing". Taken together,
they form a litany of toxin release sequences, things you can take to help
the body improve circulation and detoxify itself, or to help your body manu-
facture the correct internal medicines.
These are one-line statements of fact in 80 characters or less, in the format
of PHRASE VERB PHRASE, short enough to easily remember, asif studying for
a test. The phrase format without spaces between words, instead using a
capital letter for the start of each word, which is how I create labels and
variable names in PowerBasic, fits in with eventual use in artificial intell-
igence software. Each phrase can be a function or subroutine, in the future.
Eventually, the software will be smarter, and will be programmed to analyze
a person's whole biochemical profile, and suggest a diagnosis and treatment
alternatives, including nutritional support. The software is still in devel-
opment, and the developer invites inquiries by any large organization that
would consider handling marketing and technical support. The syntax is
PowerBasic, by Robert Zale, of Spectra Software.
This format is an avenue and a mechanism for gathering together every kind
of medical or health "LAW", all into one micro file for each condition or
symptom or substance. Each micro file is a sort of checklist.
"BodyEquations" can be the common language that should unify and weave together
the different disciplines of health care, so that all health care providers,
including the patients themselves, can work together to serve the best
interests of the patients. The common denominator of all approaches to
wellness of the human body is nutritional biochemistry, "BodyEquations".
Any school of thought on healing can use the same format for their own use,
to record each important truth that should be remembered for a certain symptom,
or to share with others. The "NutriZen\BodyEquations" software will "play"
any set of micro files with lines less than 80 characters long. It can search
any set of micro files for lines with a certain phrase, to create new micro
Libraries of healing truths can be collected, from the wisdom of diverse
health care disciplines, perhaps on CD-ROMs, and by this common format, all
healing providers can perform more wholistically, without forgetting some
important dimension of the imbalance or disorder. By sharing our wisdom on
a reproducible media, with each other, every patient would be better served
and this should lower the cost of treating them.
The idea of "expert systems" is to gather together the wisdom of experienced
health care providers and distill these truths into an easy-to-consult format.
This will lower the stress level of younger workers, and help to give them
all the wisdom of the more experienced professionals.
Before we are ready to use the software, we can use the information in book
form, or in ASCII files that we can call up with any text editor. This is
the first baby step into a future where people can receive wholistic health
care to promote wholeness, and diminish focus on sickness.
DOSES should be usually one pill or capsule to try at first.
Never try two or three capsules of anything for the first try.
Make only one change at a time.
Then you can feel the effect and know that it is the last one you tried.
If caution is advised for a particular nutrient, try the first one with food,
like after dinner. This will make it "timed-release", by mixing it all thru
the food, which will delay absorption.
Any nutrient will not WORK unless you are depleted of it. If you are not
depleted of it, it may not have any noticeable effect as a nutritional
supplement. All we are doing is to supply the missing piece of the puzzle for
the body's own intelligent repair and maintenance of tissues. If we guessed
wrong, and the body did not really need it, nothing noticeable will happen.
If you try a small amount of a specific nutritional supplement, and it helps
you, it will be wise to use small doses often, and notice how many hours
before the effect wears off. As your body absorbs the nutritional supplement,
the effect will become less noticeable, and you can decrease the dose.
Certain specific nutrients you know help you, when taken individually, will be
safer to ingest thru a balanced blend of related nutrients, like vitamin
B-complex, or a balanced multi-mineral formula, or a balanced amino acid food
source. Eventually, you should try to remember to add these nutritionally-
rich concentrates to some kind of regular repetitive small meal or drink.
First, you use specific nutritional supplements to discover which nutrient
you have become most depleted of, then later, you learn to increase the
presence of this nutrient, with its whole complex of naturally-occurring
co-ingredients, because modern nutritional science can never understand all
the other co-factors that Nature intended us to have, along with the specific
one that our body ran out of.
When you take pills on an empty stomach, they are more rapidly absorbed and
act more rapidly. When you take the pills after meals, they are more slowly
absorbed. You can make any pill "timed-release" by taking it with food or
milk, which turns solid in the stomach. Amino acid supplements are so expens-
ive, in relation to some other nutrients, that they should usually be taken
on an empty stomach, so that you absorb all that you paid for. To make some-
thing like this "timed-release", you could take them with a small snack,
rather than a big meal.
Aspirins and anti-inflammatory pills should usually be taken with food or milk,
so as not to irritate the stomach lining.
You can save money by buying the herbs you need in bulk, from a health food
store or cooperative, and then filling your own capsules. I use a capsule
filling machine, that makes 24 capsules at a time.
After you try some individual ones, and you know which one helps you, it is
really safer to get the whole amino acid spectrum, in a supplement like
Amino Fuel, brewers' yeast, amaranth flour, soybean protein powder, bee
pollen, or other similar product. You need extra B-6 to help utilize the extra
amino acids. AminoFuel is pre-digested, which is good for folks with poor
digestion. If you need one specific amino acid, you can also take extra
capsules of that one. "AminoFuel" is a registered trademark of TwinLab.
If you take a lot of extra amino acids, you need to have your uric acid level
checked. This buildup is less likely to occur when you take a balanced blend.
If you find that you need a specific B vitamin, it is wise to also take
a proportionally balanced B-Complex formula. A brewers' yeast drink will
also supply lots of B-Complex vitamins.
If you find that you need a specific mineral, it is wise to also take
a balanced, chelated multi-mineral pill. With minerals, they must exist
in the body in the proper ratio with each other. If you took just one
too much or too long, you would upset these ratios. It is now thought
that iron, if in excess, may promote heart disease, so it might be better
to take a multi-mineral without iron, if you are not anemic. Some forms
of zinc may cause stomach gas. If your body has too much iron, you could
consider donating blood.
Minerals are more effective in the body than vitamins, because all the
water soluble vitamins not absorbed into the cells are washed out of the
blood in 6 hours. Minerals absorbed are stored more efficiently, and
are vital in many body enzymes. Especially important are zinc and
magnesium. Magnesium should not be taken with meals, as it neutralizes
stomach acid, and could cause indigestion.
Minerals should be chelated, which means already partially digested, and
merged with a protein, so that they will be absorbed easier. If you take
non-chelated minerals, you must also take digestive enzymes and protein
at the same time.
It is recommended that you take calcium supplements between meals with a
dairy calcium snack, and one-third of the daily dose at bedtime, because
your body loses calcium while you sleep, from inactivity.
If you have several prescription drugs, to remember to take, it is best to
get one of the pill boxes with little holes for several times a day, and then
the name of the days of the week at the top of the row of holes. This way,
if you have already taken a set of pills, it will be obvious, because they
will be out of the hole. Or if you cannot remember if you have taken them yet,
you can just look at the pill box, and the hole will be empty if you took
them, and not empty if you forgot. This will save you from forgetting to take
your pills, or from overdosing, especially if your pills affect your heart or
blood pressure.
You can do the same thing with herbs and vitamins and other nutritional
supplement pills, by using small fishing tackle boxes, with small
partitioned sections, or even empty egg cartons.
Under our present system, approved health care providers in the medical doctor
school of thought, including osteopaths, are favored for payment thru health
insurance coverages, but the real healer is always your own biochemistry,
your own Body Equations, which Mother Nature programmed into you, and which
will act to fix themselves, if given the proper nutrition, pH, temperature, and
The question becomes "Q. What have I become most depleted of, by stress?"
Nutrients are the "fertilizer" that your body needs for cellular repair or
to grow replacement cells.
The "wisdom of the body" is carried in its proteins, neurotransmitters, pep-
tides, hormones, enzymes, all kinds of complex amino acid sequences, like a
list of words in a song. The instructions for healing and repair are
programmed into you. You would not even exist if the instructions to take care
of you were not programmed directly into your RNA and DNA, and all the other
biochemicals generated from your RNA and DNA.
There is inborn inalienable Infinite Intelligence programmed within our amino
acid sequences, like biocomputer code. This "wisdom of the body" is what
holds our equilibriums in balance and heals and repairs us.
A doctor tries to give you the best pharmaceutical pill for what you have, and
many of these were derived from plants, which have evolved to be our medicine.
The whole concept of too-powerful controlled substances that doctors must
prescribe may not always be in the patients' best interests. Educating
patients to monitor their own weaker and safer medicines might be a far better
thing to pursue, since so many diseases are results of our dietary excesses
or inadequacies.
Establishment medical care tends to operate as an agent for the benefit of the
pharmaceutical companies, rather than as an agent for the benefit of the
patient. It also tends to operate as an agent for the insurance companies or
other agencies, trying to prove that you either have or do not have a certain
disability. These practices contribute to higher health care costs, because
their whole approach is to run tests and get test results, see the numbers on
the paper, and then make a decision based upon arbitrary numbers.
A good example is the uric acid level. Uric acid tends to crystallize out in
certain areas where circulation is more or less stagnant, or less efficient.
The blood test tests for uric acid levels in the blood, not in the joints,
and not in the interstitial spaces, and not in the kidneys, all the places
where it crystallizes out. A high uric acid level is often found in very
intelligent people, so the numbers are meaningless. Uric acid is not a
problem until it becomes a crystal.
Doctors may be using the numbers on the page as a crutch to help them avoid
risking their own decisions. Their overstressed condition may be leading them
to give the decision to someone else, maybe a lab technician.
Or it may be that some doctors need to see things to believe them, while some
may need to hear the patient say something, and another may need to touch and
hear the patient say "ouch", before they will believe it. Some people are
visual, some are audio, and some are kinesthetic.
A more reliable healer is the intelligence programmed into you, at the level
of your proteins. These are affected by, especially, the acidity or alka-
linity of the blood, and the body temperature, so a key to all healing is
to correct any imbalances in these equilibriums. The reason is denaturation.
These bits of protein code will not work properly, if their molecular
configuration angles are not "just so".
Unless you have an emergency, before you go to see your doctor, research
your condition yourself, at the library, or by requesting the answer to a
question, thru the Inter-Library Loan program. The research librarian will
get photocopies of medical journal articles, or books, etc., in answer to
your question. Support your local library. They will help you learn about
your condition, usually at no cost. This is an often overlooked rich resource
for learning how to eat better, for our particular metabolism or imbalances.
There is often a support group for a particular ailment or condition, nearby,
in your own neighborhood, or a national organization that will sell or give
your literature, to learn from.
The best idea is to read several good physiology books, and then buy the one
you like best, and over the years, gradually learn better what to call the
things that hurt, or get out of balance. A book called Gray's Anatomy will
help you to understand what you cannot see.
Pharmaceutical drugs are often too powerful, and act upon the biological
equilibrium systems, which rely on a delicate balance, in a destructive
manner. Because the doctor is not there 24 hours a day to observe the effects
of the doses, the patient is usually a better judge of dosage. If a partic-
ular dose seems to be too much or too little, call your doctor to adjust it.
Every patient deserves to have the nutritional factors information offered to
them, at the same time as any prescription for a pharmaceutical product which
is mainly sold for profit.
If a prescription drug is known to deplete any particular nutrient, the
patient should be told. If a nutritional supplement or an herbal medicine
would help him improve his condition, instead of the pharmaceutical drug, the
patient should be told. The doctor should not assume that the patient is too
stupid to make his or her own choices. The patient should be given a short
list of all the things that will help, whether they be pharmaceutical drugs,
nutritional support, herbal medicines, specific exercises, or maybe massage
or acupuncture or acupressure massage, or the chiropractor for spinal
misalignment. This information should be uniformly available, even at the
Herbs and nutrients are usually much cheaper and less destructive to the
patient's pocketbook, and the insurer's pocketbook, and also the pocketbooks
of all the people paying insurance premiums.
Physicians can try pills to see what helps. They don't have to be distrustful
and run a bunch of unnecessary tests, just to see the numbers on a page. What
is needed is more use of inductive and deductive reasoning, keeping a diary of
what substances help and which ones make it worse, then putting this all
together like clues in a detective story.
Ultimately, the choices are the patient's choices, and a doctor who does not
view it this way is violating the patient's Constitutional rights, by placing
him or her in the same level as a person who is mentally incompetent. Such a
doctor is not worthy of a patient's trust.
This book and software are intended to aid the caring physician in providing
appropriate information on nutritional support. He can also record his own
treatment notes in this format, in a separate subdirectory.
The software has a module that can be set up on a personal computer or terminal
to ask all the medical history questions, and queue up related micro files,
for viewing or printing.
For those who do not want to learn to use a computer, the same informa-
tion is provided in book form.
Any person, to understand what nutrients might help their particular
any health care professional, to try to understand what nutrients might be
important in treating a person for a particular condition;
any mental health care professional, social worker, teacher, counselor,
policeman, probation officer, judge, or other type of "thought police",
who should keep aware of the nutritional status of nutrients that affect the
human being's brain, thinking, mood, energy, motivation, and behavior;
any government policy maker, in making better decisions, by improving their
neurotransmitter levels;
any person who wants to be smarter.
In addition to microfiles on various conditions, symptoms and substances,
I have included a few on improvement of brainwave coordination, dysrhythmia,
and to help strengthen your capacity for faith, a few on reality transference,
from my store of concepts on "Time Matrix Translation", a process describing
how we change from one stable quantum level of reality to another.
If your faith is strong enough, you can help your body accomplish healing, by
giving clear commands to your immune system.
Your thoughts get recorded into the atoms in your body, and this helps to
manifest the reality your have chosen, by what you allow your mind to think
The Manufacture Of Madness, Thomas S. Szasz, MD
The Myth Of Psychotherapy, Thomas S. Szasz, MD
Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired, Living With Chronic Invisible
Illness, Paul J. Donoghue and Mary E. Siegel
Conference on The Relationship of Mycoplasma to Rheumatoid Arthritis and
Related Diseases, Proceedings, Chicago 1966, Public Health Service
Ceremonial Chemistry, Thomas S. Szasz, MD