TimeLine Of Ideas,  Archives and Happenings
[Forgive Me For Elaborating A Bit,   Searching For Understanding]
Shari Soza,
Teaching,  Writing,  Computer Programming,   Paralegal,   Biochemistry/Nutrition/Herbalist

Born in Port Arthur,  Texas,   1945;    5213 Fifth Street,   Lakeview Subdivision;
Daddy said later,    that Mama had had some placenta left inside after my big sister was born,   ten years before,    and that infection had made her unable to get pregnant again.    I was a surprise,   ten years after my sister.   Born at home,   because Mama's doctor,  a DO,   was not allowed to practice at the local hospital.    Started talking at five months.   Was breast-fed for two years.    Always was treated by osteopaths till I left home after college.

Started Kindgergarten At 4,    First Grade At 5,    In Private School;
The teacher was a former public school teacher,   who started her own school in buildings in her back yard;

First Grade Again At 6,   Because I Was Allegedly Not Emotionally Mature Enough,   Lee School,    Port Arthur,   Texas;     Forced to attend First Grade again,    I learned more of what was available to be learned,   and that made me expect to learn 100% of the material offered.

Public School,   Grades 2 thru 6,    Travis Elementary,   Port Arthur,   Texas

We moved to Groves between 6th and 7th grade
Bi-weekly IQ tests,    thru much of 7th grade,   Groves Junior High School,   Groves TX
Accelerated Classes [Gifted],   Grades 8 thru 9,    Groves Junior High School,   Groves TX
Accelerated Classes [Gifted],   Grades 10 thru 12,    Port-Neches Groves H.S.,    Port Neches,   TX
High School Choir Four Years
NSF Summer Program For High Ability High School Students,   at Texas A&M;
Little Theater Play,    Finnean's Rainbow,   Port Arthur,  Texas,  1962;
Student Director of Senior Play,   1963;

Graduated High School,   Port-Neches Groves H.S.,   Pt Neches,  Texas;
98% and 99% on nationally-standardized tests,   all four years;
National Merit Finalist,   1963;

Auto Accident Head & Neck Injury,  Last Week of School,   May 1963;

Fell in love and married Virender Narain Seth,   a foreign student;  1963-1966;
Seth was a student in  Industrial Engineering,    a perfect gentleman,    convuluted by his strange religious customs,    into disavowing his personal commitments.    His father,   Jagat Narain Seth,   a pioneer in the Indian Movie business,    who turned $1000 into $32,000,000.

Taught freshman chemistry labs three semesters in college, at Lamar, 1964-1965;
A son    Ravi Narain Seth,     was born in late 1966;

Newspaper proof-reader at Beaumont Enterprise,   Beaumont,   Texas,    1967-1968;
A Silent Wish to be given psychic talents,  to use to help other people,  like Edgar Cayce,    1967;

Senior Seminar in Chemistry,
"Elementary Particles and the Interface Between Matter and Energy",   A+
Intense realizations followed this line of thought,    and grew to be a unique world- view about Time and Space,   that I call  "Time-Matrix Translation".

Graduated From Lamar State College of Technology,    Beaumont,   Texas,  1968;
Auto Accident Head Injury,  Last Week of School,   May 1968;

Technical Writer at Federal Electric ITT at NASA, near Houston, technical writing to military specs, in support of the space program; 1968-1969;

Texas Instruments, Richardson, Texas, prototype software for two proprietary TI
mini-computers, one called the Hal-9; multiple test-station, re-entrant code, assembly
language systems were for quality control testing of electronic components; 1969-1970; 

E-H Research, Oakland, California, electronic testing systems; systems programmer;

Taught seventh grade math, Port Arthur Independent School District, Port Arthur,   Texas, in 1970, several months as a substitute;

Taught as a substitute teacher for shorter assignments, Port Neches-Groves
Independent School District, Port Neches, Texas, 1970; 

Urban Systems & Services, Houston, Texas; systems programmer in police message
switching, for Houston PD and Dallas County; assembly language on mini-computers;

SCI, Houston, Texas, data base generator and control sequence compiler for pipeline
control system for Shell Oil in Pasadena, Texas; assembly language on mini-computers;

Another key prayer,    1973;

TRW Systems, near NASA, near Houston, portions of a traffic control system for
Baltimore, Maryland; assembly language on mini-computers; 1974;

The Analysts, Houston, Texas, Basic or Fortran on well-logging programs, 1974 ;

Pipeline mapping system in Cobol, Houston, Texas, 1975;

After my car accident in 1968,    the stress of working was too much.
Due to the suppression of my immune system,   due to the head injuries in 1963,   and 1968,   my path in life took an unordinary turn.

I had a situation that I thought was promising,    a programming position in a school of Montessori teaching,    and a living situation that I could pay for my room and board by painting T-shirts (yes,  these were the 70's).     When I got to California,    both of these possibilities fell apart.

After a few months of essentially homeless living,   living in a school bus painted like the Partridge Family,  a TV show of that date,    that I had traded my VW for,    I met and fell in love with my 2nd husband,   Albert Soza,   in late 1975.

We came North in 1976,    after all the TV scares about the California earthquake,    on our way to British Columbia.     About at Yreka,   slightly North,    as we got off the freeway to go to a rest stop,    the timing chain on our school bus broke.      We were pulling our Toyota also.

While we stayed here,   getting the motor overhauled on the school bus,   in Yreka,    we decided that we liked the little former gold-mining town.    First we lived in a rented mobile home on ten acres,   3 miles outside Yreka,    where we had goats,  chickens,  rabbits,   etc.,   and a big garden,   from 1976 to 1979;

In 1977,   I studied intensely everything I could get my hands on,   about Naturopathic Healing,    and wrote this paper,   on Toxin Release

Then,   we bought this house in town.
My husband Albert had a stroke in summer of 1979;

Albert was 19.5 years older than I was,   and he taught me a lot about being your own lawyer,    standing up for your rights,   etc.

Software for Skills Bank,   first using a computer at the college,    then we bought our first personal computer,   a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I,   1978;    named the program The State of Jefferson;    written in Basic,   Turbo Basic,   then   Power Basic;

Carried on a prolonged legal battle over private property rights,   in Soza vs Town of Yreka City,    1981-1984;   that was when we discovered how technologically obsolete the legal system was;

In 1982,    I had a severely abcessed tooth that became chronic right maxillary sinusitis;
In 1984,    it was discovered that I had hyperprolactinemia,    and I started on Parlodel;

During our years together,    before his early demise from high blood pressure,   artery disease,    and other illnesses in late 1992,     he supported me in my crusades about trying to computerize the legal process.   I was an early pioneer in trying to push the legal community into using the computer to automate the legal process.   They were very resistant.   1981-1991;     my DOS-based,   keyboard-oriented software was listed in   THE LAWYERS' PC;   before I could make it a financial success,    Microsoft brought out Windows 3.0,    and "the market went that away",   making my software obsolete;
January 1987,   we got an IBM PC XT clone,   and I continued to develop software in Basic.

I have a long history of lobbying world leaders to choose peace,   since Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat,     thru Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev,    and George Bush,   and am publishing many of my memoirs on the Internet.

Suffering from spinal arthritis,    after being taken off the Parlodel,   I intensely studied stress and nutrition,   1991-1992;
I constantly study more about human biochemistry,  herbs,   and detoxification,   and try to document it;    More about my background in nutrition is on

Since his death in late 1992,   I have struggled to try to adjust to the difference in income.     I receive a VA DIC widow's pension.

Technical Writing for Bob Zale,   PowerBasic;
Rewrote User Manuals for PowerBasic;  Bob Zale never paid me,   and I was very dis-illusioned about him;

Technical Writing for Andrew Michalik,    Voice Information Systems Inc,   VFEdit;

California Energy Efficiency Heat Calculations For Contractors,   1993-1998?;
Part-Time Office Assistant,  Desktop Publishing,   and EE heat calcs,  for Joey Dunlap,  HVAC Contractor,   1993-1995?;

Legal Assistant Certificate classes,    and CadKey,    Fall of 1994-Spring 1995;

Classes in New Management [Systems Theory,  Project Management,  and  Quality Management],    AutoCAD,   Computer Networking,   Instructional Design,  Public Speaking,   Computer Projects,     Fall of 1995-Fall of 1997;    mostly focused on studying  Self-Directed Learning,   Wholistic Learning,    preparing for an eventual job with the college;    due to health,   had to drop a few of these;

Started Internet Fall of 1995,   and have had my own website since then,   developing web pages for myself,    and a few other clients;    started growing an Internet busyness in selling herbs,   also am selling plants and other personal property on online auctions;
I have a wholesale nursery shipping license;    I am downsizing my packrat accumulation;

Suffering more from fatigue,   spinal arthritis,   chronic sinusitis,    and a weak immune sytem,    it was finally discovered in August 1997,   that I have "chronic or reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus",   chronic fatigue syndrome,   and fibromyalgia.

I write articles for a bodybuilders' online newsletter,      by The Hulkster;
I promote people to learn to pack their own capsules;     I sell the dry herbs for Essiac tea;    I promote people should keep vegetable and herb gardens;

I started an online newsletter promoting gardening and journaling,
Some of my best writings ever have been since Fall of 1995,   while I was taking classes from Milan Vodicka,   and studying wholistic learning;    I started thinking of a Masters Degree in Instructional Design,   via online courses,    about Spring of 1997,    but became too ill to continue;    several of my semester projects were on educational reform;

Thru all these years since late 1979,    I have worked on my Victorian house,   re-wiring it,   insulating it,   replacing lots of the plumbing,   adding foundation supports,   plus painting,   adding a floor in the attic,   etc.,    and kept an organic garden and orchard.

You are free to search thru my writings,   which I am gradually publishing on my website;

I get involved in movements where I perceive injustice,    or FEAR, FORCE  or COERCION;
or to raise the level of discussion by my writing contributions;   for many years,   I was very involved in "the Peace Process",    in a peace activist,   letter-writing mode;