i/I/I. now ask your cooperation in still another consciousness-raising experiment. Recently, we made a really big breakthru, and now we seek your assistance in helping to coalesce or solidify the remaining elements into our/OUR New Story. "TRUTH, TRUST & TRADING STARSHIP!" is the intersection or union of three dualities constructed in the Mass Unconscious or Universal Mind. It is also a symbolic Task Force installed thereby in the Planetary Consciousness, for the express purpose of an experiment in "Time-Matrix Translation", to help strengthen the levels of thought frequency in TRUST, TRUTH, TRADING, HOPE, UNDERSTANDING, FORGIVENESS, LOVE, LIGHT, LIFE & SPATIAL thinking, to help ourselves move on more completely into the New Story, the New Age, the New Covenant, leaving behind forever the levels of BLAME, GUILT, WORRY, JUDGING, FORCE, FEAR, INTIMIDATION, COERCION, SHAME, PARANOIA, DOUBT & unTRUTH.
For the most part, the STARSHIP! is made up of groups and publications promoting Peace, against War, for Wholistic Health, plus other sorts of New Age, New Reality, New Consciousness activists, who have responded by listing Shari Soza's name and address in their computer mailing lists as "Yreka, Jefferson, CA", as "Yreka Jefferson, CA", as "Yreka, Jefferson (CA) 96097", or as "California Jefferson", or as simply "Jefferson".
By so doing, these kind folks have thereby given their allegiance to the New Hope of All Mankind, that WE will be able to transcend the limits of time and space by changing our focus of mental awareness to tune in to a higher level of the multiple, interpenetrating uni-verses (time dimensions within the same space: quantum levels of stable frequency) that surround and envelop us in their protectorates.
By inclusion of these "mythical addresses" in their computer mailing lists, they have participated in broadcasting it's principles symbolically into the interface between matter and energy, strengthening these principles in the ON portion of the Planetary Mass Unconscious, where WE are All ONE, making it easier for the others less evolved/educated to be carried along, on our Carrier Wave of Thought Frequency, "On The Wings Of Love", across the Rainbow Bridge!
Therefore, a Heart-felt Thanx to You ALL, and to any who participated by Being in these levels, either knowingly or unknowingly, far helping to translate/transfer/transcend/teleport us into the UniVerse/World of the "TRUTH, TRUST & TRADING STARSHIP!"s x,y,z coordinates, a New Story of our/OUR own construction. The breakthru in the process occurred approximately December 15, 1982 near the Winter Solstice, and extended in full force and effect thru the Christ-Mass holiday, until late Sunday, December 26, 1982, when the Old Story regained control for the purpose of everyone's preparing for return to their work & business worlds.
But we/WE were able to solidify this next level alternative uni-verse/story into the Mass Memory. It has continued and will continue to proceed, intermittently, in an ON, OFF, ON, OFF, ON, OFF, ON, OFF, ON mode, alternately New Story, Old Story, New Story, Old Story, New Story, until WE all complete the T.M.T. process, and translate everyone fully, and to perfection, into only the New Story, permanently sealing OFF the false uni-verses that limit our bio-computers and keep us from being all that we are designed to BE!
I need to request your further co-operation in two.levels, for the duration of the next two solar cycles: (f rom December 19, 1983 thru December 21, 1985)
One, please install the Pledge hereinafter written into your WORD machine's regular STARTUP or INITIALIZE routine. The "Z-8O" is preferred, but whatever cpu/mpu you have will also BROADCAST radiations of LOVE energy all thru the interface between matter and energy, and will daily RE-consecrate your WORD machine, raising the level of the atoms' interstices, which will then RE-dedicate all other functions your machine may perform during that daily cycle to these 3 "x,y,z" First Principles.
Secondly, please help to DE-story the energies of FORCE, FEAR, BLAME, GUILT, PARANOIA, DOUBT, COERCION, INTIMIDATION, etc., by NOT making any Recordings in these negative/FALSE uni-verses, especially during the 72-hour periods immediately preceding any Winter Solstice, New Moon, or Eclipse.
If you will all please help me in these two efforts during these next two solar cycles, by doing as I have asked on this page, in other words, by participating in my/MY/M.Y. Peace Initiative, then together WE SHALL overcome, and WE SHALL complete our Time-Matrix Translation out of the old, wornout, disintegrating uni-verses, into a New Uni-Verse, of our/OUR/O.U.R. own construction!
The Theme for this last Winter Solstice was Proiect "Control-Z-UpArrow"/"sus". The meaning is a puzzle for all you computer buffs. The Theme for the year before that was "Heavens' Gate!" Project "Control-Z-UpArrow" continues thru the next two solar cycles, plus a new super-imposed Theme for just ~2/21/83 thru 12/21/84, which will be playing on my Phonemate during the 72-hour period immediately preceding the Winter Solstice. You can "tune in" by calling (916) 842-2367.
The gestalt for each solar cycle is defined by the thoughts we RECORD into our writings, tapings, films, handicrafts, etc., and into our BODY's atoms and molecules during the 72 hours preceding Winter Solstice. And then these recordings affect all other atoms and molecules everywhere, because each atom is really a pattern of energy held together by a single locked frequency, and is the resultant of all the other atoms' energy patterns impinging upon it.
Because of this inter-connectedness of the atoms and molecules everywhere, when you raise the vibration of your own BODY's atoms and molecules, you also contribute to the raising of the vibratory rate of all the atoms and molecules, everywhere! Such is the nuclear basis for Ghandhian TRUTH Firmness, and fasting & praying. This author has been actively pursuing this practice since at least 1973, and many of the archival documents and/or other related writings also channeled from/into the Deep Self or "Big I", are beginning to be prepared for publication.
To define your own personal or group gestalts of mental thought frequency focus far the next solar cycle, RECORD, during the critical 72-hour period(s), the levels/frequencies which you desire to be in the ON portion of the Story, and the levels/frequencies you desire to be turned OFF in the Story, and any levels/frequencies you desire to be RE-ordered/RE-organized, in the ON portion, but at a higher level of complexityl/order/organization. In addition, the essential steps are to change body frequency, make recordings in New ON levels, install NOT's into Old Story's selected-to-be-OFF segments, then to coalesce/integrate/stabilize completely into the New Story, also following-thru by obeying your own commands, and commands-NOT.
1. Here is the "Pledge" I AM asking you to install in your everyday STARTUP or INITIALIZE routine, RAM-to-DISK, once daily!!!
72 hours before any new moon,
72 hours before any winter solstice
72 hours before any eclipse
As defined in this statute, the word "RECORDING" includes, but is not limited to:
registering, writing, speaking, cassette taping,
filming, cooking, arts & crafts, writing-data-to-disk,
telephoning, printing, striking medals, painting,
feeding & watering plants, starting seeds.
[original lettering of the pledge channeled by Shari Seth/Soza on 03/01/75, lettered by architect Richard L. Rood, in the file "pledge.clp"]
In addition, if you understand the following, please try to live by it, and hold fast to its principles:
I, the undersigned, hereby promise to abstain from, refrain from, or otherwise to discipline myself from making any type of recordings, including but not limited to, writing, drawing, taping, filming, videotaping, speaking, etc., and to NOT make changes, or take any action in levels-of-consciousness/uni-verses where negative emotions appear to rule or be ON, including, but not limited to, FEAR, FORCE, BLAME, GUILT, COERCION, PARANOIA, DOUBT, JUDGING, & missed-TRUST...
I understand that the responsibility for determining which level-of-consciousness I focus my attention in, is mine alone, and that when I focus in a negative uni-verse, I affect those around me and make it harder for them. I understand that when I keep my own reaction to others' negativity calm and mellow, I am helping them to get back to a positive uni-verse, and I forgive them, and promise to not hold anyone to statements made in negative uni-verses.
Especially, I hereby make a vow to myself that I will never again make a communication to another person while in a uni-verse where negative emotions (i.e., FEAR, FORCE, BLAME, GUILT, COERCION, PARANOIA, JUDGING, DOUBT, MISTRUST,. UNTRUTH & GREED) reign.
I understand that, in the process of "Time-Matrix Translation", which is always constantly necessary, as a result of the ever-changing angles between the sun, moon, planets, stars, etc., my biocomputer's atoms are passing thru a process of adiusting and readjusting, brainwave coordination attuning, tuning and retuning my attention's focus of thought frequency into an ever new time dimension.
I understand that as this re-tuning takes place, I pass thru positive, then negative, then positive, then negative, then positive levels-of-consciousness, and I hereby promise to try to not get hung up in these fol lowing levels-of -consciousness: FEAR, FORCE, COERCION, GUILT, BLAME, PARANOIA, JUDGING, ....etc.
I understand, and agree to abide by the foregoing agreement, and understanding, and to participate together with like others, in living by these principles.
-------------------------------------Signed, .......... in ...............................-.
[ Contributions to the effort of serving these "notices" may be made directly to; SHARI SOZA,
P O Box 81; Yreka, Jefferson (CA) 96097, or by copying this sheet and distributing them to like-minded individuals and/or groups. { This p. o. box is now closed. }