The Quality Of Our Sleep Is Important   04-23-98
An example of how JOURNALING can help us learn to take better care of ourselves

I had the strangest dream this morning,    dreaming that I am writing the tomorrow I wake up in,    like it is a software file.     There were other people in my dream,    and there were parts of the dream that we could not talk about.     There are parts of the file that nobody can change,   like it is the "code" that runs thru the machine of Time.      Is this what "lucid dreaming" means?

I woke up with the sense that something new I took last night gave me this new self-awareness,   and I started writing down the thoughts I had this morning.     A strange dream,   and a strange morning.

So,    I go back over my diary/journal,   to see "What have I been taking?"

I took some of my muscle building powder (glutamine, lysine/arginine,citramax),   Gentian, Gingko Bilberry Garlic,    DysRhythmia,    and  Kava Kava,   and I was also taking some  Cayenne/Lobelia to stabilize the heart rhythm.,    and some  PotassiumMagnesiumAspartate,   which is minerals for the heart.

Something in all that gave me an added level of awareness thru my dream.    Something in all this mess SEEMS TO ENABLE a special programming level of dreaming,   like it is an automatic script-writing process that goes on during our sleep,    generating the script for tomorrow.

I have the sense that to have the Power to CHANGE  The code of dream I live in,    during the day time,   requires me to know how to change the code of the dream I live in during the night.

So,  the "quality of our sleep"   CAN AFFECT our ability to change our future consciously.
 I took some of my muscle building powder
glutamine,     helps detoxify the brain of ammonia,    plus makes muscles grow;
lysine/arginine pyroglutamate,      Growth Hormone releaser
citramax,      blocks the body from storing fat

Gentian,   from which I have experienced a difference in time sense;
Gingko / Bilberry / Garlic,    improves circulation in the brain,   also improves vision;
DysRhythmia,     for the nerves;
and  Kava Kava,    a relaxer   just before sleep

Cayenne/Lobelia to stabilize the heart rhythm.,
and some  PotassiumMagnesiumAspartate,   which is minerals for the heart.

My herb book says that Gentian has bitter principles known to normalize hypothyroid.
My constant companion is a retro-virus Epstein-Barr,       and my worst symptoms lately are these dizzy headaches.     Hypothyroidism can mean headaches,   and recurrent infections.    I feel the need to get a better grip on my internal environment that supports the replication of the viruses and bacteria.    I know there are things that help,   like Astragalus,   and Zinc.    [The CDC says that Epstein-Barr is not contagious.]

To make thyroid hormones,  we need Iodine and Tyrosine.
I ate a salad of a lot of fresh greens from the garden,   one of which was Burdock Leaf (kind of like Spinach),   Swiss Chard,   Chervil,   Parsley,   Green Onions,   a little store Romaine Lettuce,    and a few bites of my fresh Asparagus   and it had some Canned Tuna,    which is a lot of protein,   plus some chunks of my home-made whole wheat bread,    and some Italian dressing made with the mix,  and apple cider vinegar and canola oil.
A few nights ago,   I tried a little  L-Taurine and GABA,    and noticed feeling different.
That wasn't really it last night.

There is an important lesson in all of this,    but I am not yet sure what it is.
I have a sense of expectancy,   like a great secret was given to me last night.
Could it be that I inadvertently discovered the hormones of HOPE?

One thing I was doing before my latest dizzy headache had been trying to clean out my gut,  with lots more fruit and juices,     and aloe vera w/fennel.    And I have been taking Guar Gum,   Slippery Elm and Fenugreek,     to make it more slippery in my gut,   and try and soak out any older accumulations.      Maybe a day of juices twice a week would help balance out the cooked food I eat,   after I get to feeling like it is all cleaned out.    I am trying to increase fiber.

I am always trying to lower uric acid buildup,   ammonia,     and   cholesterol.     I was just reading something new from Linus Pauling on somebody's web page,     or in my email newsletter,   that said vitamin C helps protect our heart and blood vessels' collagen.   Stronger pipes running to every part of my body could not be a bad idea in re-inhabiting my body this year.
If the weather cooperates with me,    I need to get outside and do a little rototilling in the garden each day,
All the eco-freaks need to get interested re-inhabiting their own bodies and their own gardens,     outside their doors.    If more yards become mini-green belts,   instead of manicured lawns,     the whole planet will benefit.

And now I feel like I am onto a new train of thought about consciously making my sleep work better,    which then makes my day script work better,   so that my world works better.

And one thing I had started was an article on  "Journaling",    so this day is a great example of "Journaling".    This is the most amazing morning.      I have a strange feeling that I live in a "copy" of the file of this world.    Another parallel world that is a copy of this world,   like a file.
So,   I am working on a new marketing plan,    maybe some new web pages to teach journaling,      discover what it was that made my sleep better quality somehow,     and make a pill out of it.      If I knew for sure what did it,   I could make a pill out of it.    So,   a special sleep state is like when I run the compiler for Power Basic,    and it generates the output code for the day that follows.

Some people write about dreaming and what to take to enhance it.    What is it that they think does it?      Why not a new pill for better quality sleep,  not really to get to go to sleep,   but to have a more refreshing sleep in general.    I think that I am onto something important here.
What if I could write a diet book,   that doctors could recommend for their patients,   that they could periodically detoxify their liver,   their kidneys,   their intestines in a pro-active habit,   and that would help them to re-inhabit their bodies,    at a higher level of wellness?

Am I re-writing my article on Toxin Release?
What if a style of "Journaling" could be taught to people,    to keep track of their lifestyle choices,     so that they could show it to the doctor,    or could go back and study what new things had they done lately,   that might have made a difference.     What if a style of "Journaling" could be developed,   to teach people how to take better care of themselves,   and choose healthier,  more nutritious nutrients,    and avoid bad habits that affect us,   like coffee and alcohol,   or at least moderate them,   or take the minerals to balance them out.      What if a new style of "Journaling" is evolving,     that adds a layer of self-control and self-sufficiency  and helps us consciously choose better things?
Could this be formatted in a small booklet that a doctor could print up,   and hand out to their patients on each ailment?      Small booklets that could be developed with information on all known nutrients that affect a particular disease.

WhatIf Booklets To Teach
Liver Detoxification With The Liver Flush In The Morning
Kidney Crystal Dissolving With Radishes
Cleansing The Intestinal Tract Every Spring And Fall With The Change In Seasons
Lowering The Cholesterol Level
Lowering An Excessive Uric Acid Level
Improving Lymph Congestion
Improve The Quality Of Sleep
Grow Your Muscle Mass
Having More Physical Energy
Improving Circulation To The Head
Improving Circulation
Balancing Hormones
Normalizing The Heart Rhythm
Cleansing The Lungs
How To Help A Sore Throat

Everybody would be interested in understanding how to get over a cold better,    or to lose weight easier.

That must be what is missing in my marketing plan.      So,     how can I share my alternative health wisdom without being acused of making claims?

Make booklets to sell.     Not free on the website,   but booklets to sell.    Instead of trying to tell the newsgroup readers what I know,   and be acused of spamming,    I will write booklets to sell copies of,    and only willing readers who pay me $3 plus postage  can have the privilege of my expertise.

Especially if the FDA and USDA do make all our herbs by prescription-only,    the medical doctors do not know enough about the herbs to prescribe  for us.    All the doctors would need to be taught what herbs are good for what.      A system of booklets might be a good dose of information,   that could be mass-produced at the doctor's office,    and handed out,   like an information sheet that goes with a prescription drug on side-effects to watch out for.

A system of booklets that would offer the healthy lifestyle knowledge that we have collected as a society,   including the biochemistry,    herbs,      neurotransmitters,      vitamins,    minerals,    etc.,      the "language" of body regulation and repair that people don't understand how their diet and exercise habits are creating the health that they either have or don't have.
What if parents understood a tea that they could give to their growing children,   that would make them smarter,   so that learning at school would be easier?

What if medical care could be transformed into a system of teaching people how to take better care of themselves in general,     in a way that would have agreement,     not be controversial,    and would promote everybody losing weight,    being sick less often with colds and sore throats,   and in general stimulating their immune systems?     Could the essentials of this be taught in a system of booklets,   focused on a particular dys-function?

Basically,   what we are saying is to exercise more control over our health,     as a society,   we need to teach human biochemistry in a more understandable pattern,    for instance,   as  seasonal dietary celebrations,   like holidays.      Our food at the grocery store is half-dead before we even get home,    compared to live food we grow outside in our own yard.      So,    to help people balance out this "half-dead"-ness,    they need to oscillate with eating food that cleans that out for them.

My latest idea is that maybe fasting on mostly fresh juices two days a week,    would help to clean out the gut,    and help to balance out all the less vital food,   that I eat.
Major Wellness Education
Changing the whole idea of what the doctor is,     from the surgeon and poison- prescriber,    to the researcher/teacher of healthier lifestyle choices.

How can doctors change their way of making money from this,    in a way that is more of a "healer",    instead of being rewarded for when the patient is sick.    Our whole system is focused on the wrong kind of rewards.

How can we promote getting the doctor paid by the insurance company for promoting better health,    instead of getting paid when the patient is sick?
For instance,   how does the doctor write down a "fee" for encouraging the patient to grow a garden,     ride a bicycle to work,      or all this time it would require for the doctor to research everything?     Can doctors be paid to teach "classes" instead?    Or to take up their time writing booklets of their wisdom?

One Alternative Place To Go For Help
One idea that comes to mind is the gym that one doctors' clinic has,     with a personal trainer.     An exercise gym is a sort of school room,      with machines that help exercise a particular set of muscles.
Couldn't a person who goes to the gym,   or even has one of their own at home,     be a lower insurance risk than someone who is sedentery,    doesn't exercise,   and  eats junk food?    Is that a good argument to sell to the health insurance companies?

Aren't we all basically at the doctor's office due to poor lifestyle choices that we have made in our past?     Aren't we there for extreme remedial measures,   due to bad lifestyle choices?    Isn't our health mainly controlled by our fork and spoon?

How can this idea be sold to the HMOs,    to re-structure their payment mechanisms,    to support doctors and other health care providers teaching healthier lifestyle choices?

My new marketing plan is how to write a system of booklets that would better teach all known knowledge and information about human biochemistry and nutrition.    Also,   something simple to teach doctors how to be herbalists.

What if instead of handing you a paper prescription,   the doctor hands you a booklet that tells you how to start keeping a journal,    keeping a garden,     and which plant will help your problem.   What if doctors started selling dried bulk herbs,  empty capsules and herb plant starts or seeds?    What if people had to be "qualified" in gardening,   to graduate from high school?     You can't be a full human being unless you know how to garden,    and learn from the wisdom of your plant friends?      Could that be a science class requirement?   If we really want a healthier society,   don't we have to be sure that people learn how to grow their own food?

If we truly want to lower medical care costs,   don't we have to take a pro-active approach to teaching gardening?    Isn't this something we have to consciously choose to do,   to return people to the more household-centered foodstyle,   so that their food is healthier?    Isn't the factory system,  where the father or both parents left the house to go earn money,    breaking down again,   and more people have enough free time at home to grow the food,    instead of going out and earning money and then going to buy food at the grocery store?

And if we want people to make better lifestyle choices,   don't we need to teach them journaling,     not only as a mental layer of the self-care method,     but also as a way to teach more integrated thinking?     More integrated thinking would lead to making better lifestyle choices,   overall.    Wouldn't that reduce the overall costs of medical care?
So,    one aspect of this would be to promote people learning to think for themselves more,    and programs like government bureaucracies and insurance companies would have to respect the innate wisdom of the individual,  more,    and use less FEAR, FORCE and COERCION against them.
It takes a whole lifetime to learn how to eat right,   and we have so many temptations at the grocery store.
How could a system of booklets be useful,    to teach a system of recipes,     that would do "house-cleaning"   of the kidneys and liver and intestines and skin and circulation in general,   something so well-accepted and non-controversial,     that no one would be out to attack me?
Something the FDA could work on,    as a system of booklets for doctors?
My book on my lap,   The Green Pharmacy,    says that juicing an orange takes out all the pectin,   which would help us to lower cholesterol,   and anytime you make juice,   and take out the pulp,    you have a more liquid diet,   but you took out all the fiber.    It takes a whole lifetime to learn how to eat right,   and we have so many temptations at the grocery store.   Corn chips are my downfall.
So,   how to teach a better pattern of making casseroles and soups and salads and snacks,    ahead of time,    and that would promote regular detoxifying habits?

Can this be simplified for the busy worker?
How could simple things like

April 1:     GoStartSomePumpkinSeeds

be developed into a healthy habit,    a "calendar"  of repeating sequences?
A Calendar System for Journaling.