Jaynes uses the terms Metaphor/{SoundString} and Analog/{SpatialModel} as the basis for most of his concepts about language and ConsciouslyAwareness.
The Analog/{SpatialModel} is the same as a mental model, a symbolic visual representation of the thing it is describing, like a map describes some territory of land. { the spatial model }
The Metaphor/{SoundString} is a kind of verbally-expressed equation of auditory sounds that describes the spatial model and how it IS LIKE something more familiar }.
Concepts from Julian Jaynes' The Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind, revisited by Shari Soza in Fall 1995 Systems Thinking class
The essential point here is that there are several stages of creative thought:
first, a stage of preparation in which the problem is ConsciouslyAwarely worked over;
then a period of incubation in the unconscious, without any ConsciouslyAware concentration upon the problem; and
then the illumination which comes thru the intuitive unConscious RightBrain, and is told to the linear ConsciouslyAware LeftBrain,
and is later justified by logic, thru the linear ConsciouslyAware LeftBrain