Documenting The Transition From Old-Style Linear Lesson Planning
To New-Style Hypertext Lesson Planning,
Including A Design For Tests That Grade Themselves
Table of Contents
The Why
The Reasons Why An Overhaul Of Our Way Of Teaching Is Due
Long-Distance Learning, And Why We Should Facilitate It
A "University Without Walls" Model
Why Hypertext Is Better Than Linear
Why Students Thinking With Both Sides Of Their Brain Learn Easier
Why Involve The "Wisdom Of The Heart" In Learning
How To Be A Heart-Centered Teacher
Teaching From The Heart:
Learning To Trust The Light Within To Say The Right Thing.
The How
Tests That Grade Themselves
Some Template Tests To Get Started With
Lesson Plan Procedural Structure:
Mastering The Long-Distance Learning Technology
Some Template Plans To Get Started With
Lesson Plan Substantive Structure:
Mastering The Levels-of-Consciousness To Enable And
Exercise In The Human Biocomputer
Why Students Thinking With Both Sides Of Their Brain Learn Easier
Why Involve The "Wisdom Of The Heart" In Learning
Some Resources On How To Involve The Heart-To-Head Connection
Some Template Heart Meditations To Get Started With
How To Be A Heart-Centered Teacher
How To Design A Self-Directed Course
( Think "CHOOSE TO", Not "HAVE TO". )
Some Templates To Get Started With
Quality Management Of Results:
Are The Students Learning Better?
Total Quality Learning MEANS Constant Improvement In Lesson-Planning Design
Assessed By Is The Student Learning Easily And Growing Intellectually And Creatively
Total Quality Lesson Plan Design MEANS Planning Ahead For Learner-Controlled Instruction, Where Each Student Proceeds At Their Own Pace
Concepts From Systems Thinking
Time -Matrix Translation And Futurism
Internal And External Environmental Changes
That May Help Make Learning Easier
Biological Wholeness:
Smart Nutrients That IMPROVE The Performance Of The Brain And Make Learning Easier
Documenting The Transition From Old-Style Linear Lesson Planning
To New-Style Hypertext Lesson Plan, Including A Design For Tests That Grade Themselves
Some of what I want to teach teachers is not strictly computer technical stuff. It overlaps into systems thinking, quality management and planning, futurism and meditation, and smart nutrients. I am also an expert on stress and nutrition, and the brain, from a unique perspective, and I am also a member of Mensa. In fact, much of what I want to include is not computer software stuff at all, but it is about learning.
As a software technical writer, and as a philosopher-futurist, the Documenting is "The Thing". The documenting CREATES the mental model and the metaphor that materializes or manifests the future level-of-consciousness of choice.
Part of MY work is to build these "Better Ladders To Heaven"---the mental models and metaphors for followers to follow, in converting from LeftBrained thinking to WholeBrainedWithHeart thinking, in the educational arenas. [ For more on how metaphor and mental models help us to create the future, see my commentary and some exercpts from Julian Jaynes' The Origins Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind. ]
In the same way, part of "learning how to learn how to learn", is in learning to document your journey in thinking, each week recording your intentions as to what you will focus on, and in then recording your progress on certain points, whether you had any stumbling blocks, and whether anything made learning that material particularly easy, whether you are having trouble concentrating, or focusing, and what seems to help that.
In making recordings of your thoughts, you strengthen the learning process, because "learning" is apparently some kind of recording within our biological media. So, in a broad sense, documenting your self-directed course means a special kind of journaling.
When you SEE the words, or SPEAK the words, and when you TYPE the words with your finger muscles, you strengthen your capacity to understand this kind of information, because you make a stronger RECORDING in your atoms and molecules.
We can use the same kind of journaling to document our self-discovery of how to be prepared in the wholistic mode, to be "on-stage" in the classroom. When you have a thought as to what helps you feel enthusiastic and energized about a subject, or about all subjects, record it, and later you can share this with other teachers.
What does it take to get you totally tuned in to your subject material, so that you can directly transmit these "thought frequencies" to the students? These are the ideas that you can help me document, by volunteering them. We need to synergize the collected wisdom of the best teachers, and make this available to new or less-experienced teachers, so that they can learn to be better teachers from your collected wisdom.
I would love nothing more than being the catalyst for teachers writing this book as a group effort. I am committed to making this happen, whatever it takes. If I can find someone who has already done it---any part of this effort--- that we can use as a resource model, then I will put those URLs on my home pages. They can be in the printed book also, but these pages can be always changing, and URLs can become obsolete, when printed in books.
With more teachers empowered to really transmit knowledge directly, In The Moment, speaking and listening with both sides of their brains, to students listening with both sides of their brains, and to use both sides of their brains while designing the lesson plan structures that define their courses, all students will learn easier, and all teachers will do the right thing.
Learning how to turn off that LeftBrain verbal chatter except when we need it, and deepening our listening to the RightBrain intuitive pre-verbal level of knowing, will help us all learn.
First of all, we want to leave behind BLAME, JUDGING, DOUBT, and LABELING. It doesn't help to try and blame anyone or any segment of society for the fact that our schooling has been too much on the LeftBrained side. Each of us does the best we can, with what we understand at the moment. It is not necessary to lay blame or breed divisiveness. What matters is to advance the state-of-the-art of teaching, to new heighths, to make all teachers better teachers, all learners better learners.
BLAME and LABELING, JUDGING, DOUBT and other negatives like that do not promote WholeBrained learning. For me to condemn another means that I have to shut off my own HeadToHeart connection. For me to try and cheat or lie or somehow advance myself or my pocketbook by hurting another, costs too much. I need that HeadToHeart connection, that inner conscience, to know when I am right and when I am wrong. I can't sacrifice that inner knowing for momentary advantage.
Teaching From The Heart:
Learning To Trust The Light Within To Say The Right Thing.
Learning How To Learn How To Learn
Teaching How To Teach How To Teach
The Reasons Why An Overhaul Of Our Way Of Teaching Is Due:
[A Pareto Chart Showing Money Lost Thru All These Leaky Holes]
'====================Start of Links===========================
Our National Debtload Is Out-of-Control, And Bloated, And
Stretching Bigger And Bigger. It Can Never Collapse---They Just Charge It To Our Descendants---Due To Problems We Are Failing To Face, Such As
Medicare In The Last Year Of Life
For Failing To Overrule Dominance By Pharmaceutical Company Brainwashing Of Medical Doctors
Also For Failing To Allow Assisted Suicide For The Terminally Ill In Intractable Pain
Update: already, federal court decisions in several states have corrected this problem.
Public Welfare As A Perpetual Income ;
For Failure To Make It Easy To Find Work
For Failing To Teach Self-Sufficiency
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Billions Wasted On The Defense Budget
For Failure To Use Both Sides Of Our Brain To Reach Reasonable Solutions
For Failure To Change The System To Protect The People's Treasury Against Waste By
LeftBrained Politicians
Legions Of MINUS EARNERS, Draining Money Out Of The Treasury
For Failure To Make It Easy To Find Work On A Short Notice
For Failure To Stop The Phony War On Drugs
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Pseudo-Agencies Developed To Treat The After- Effects Of Unemployment
Legions Of MINUS EARNERS, Draining Money Out Of The Treasury
For Failure To Make It Easy To Find Work On A Short Notice
For Failing To Teach Self-ufficiency
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Starvation And Strangling Of School & College Budgets
By Shortsighted Left-Brained Politicians
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Increasingly irritable militias running out of patience with status quo leaders.
Anyone Who Advises You Not To Trust Your Own RightBrain Thoughts.
The Solution: Stop Listening To Them.
'=======================End of Links===========================
'================Start of duplicate Make Topics Here=================
Our National Debtload Is Out-of-Control, And Bloated, And
Stretching Bigger And Bigger. It Can Never Collapse---They Just Charge It To Our Descendants---Due To Problems We Are Failing To Face, Such As
Medicare In The Last Year Of Life
For Failing To Overrule Dominance By Pharmaceutical Company Brainwashing Of Medical Doctors
Also For Failing To Allow Assisted Suicide For The Terminally Ill In Intractable Pain
Update: already, federal court decisions in several states have corrected this problem.
Public Welfare As A Perpetual Income ;
For Failure To Make It Easy To Find Work
For Failing To Teach Self-Sufficiency
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Billions Wasted On The Defense Budget
For Failure To Use Both Sides Of Our Brain To Reach Reasonable Solutions
For Failure To Change The System To Protect The People's Treasury Against Waste By LeftBrained Politicians
Legions Of MINUS EARNERS, Draining Money Out Of The Treasury
For Failure To Make It Easy To Find Work On A Short Notice
For Failure To Stop The Phony War On Drugs
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Pseudo-Agencies Developed To Treat The After- Effects Of Unemployment
Legions Of MINUS EARNERS, Draining Money Out Of The Treasury
For Failure To Make It Easy To Find Work On A Short Notice
For Failing To Teach Self-ufficiency
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Starvation And Strangling Of School & College Budgets
By Shortsighted Left-Brained Politicians
People Need Something Constructive To Do
Increasingly irritable militias running out of patience with status quo leaders.
Anyone Who Advises You Not To Trust Your Own RightBrain Thoughts.
The Solution: Stop Listening To Them.
'==================end of duplicate========================
Julian Jaynes, The Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind.
Empower Teachers To Create Long-Distance Learning Courses
Create An Expectation Of Lifelong Learning To Adapt To Change
Get Everybody Learning Something New
Why Long-Distance Learning [ University Without Walls ] Model?
Long-Distance Learning, And Why We Should Facilitate It
1. There Will Never Be Enough Teachers, Enough Classrooms For All The People Who Need To Learn New Things.
2. Too Many People Need Something Constructive To Do, For Available Classrooms.
3. Learning More Self-Sufficiency Lightens Welfare Debt Load & Creates More Plus Earners.
4. It Can Be An Alternative When Students Move, Become Sick, Or Other Reasons For Dropping Out.
5. It Can Accommodate Students For Whom The School Room Experience Is Stressful, Or Who For Other Reasons, Prefer HomeSchooling.
6. With The New "Teacher" Being The Resources On The InterNet, Why Limit Ourselves To The Classroom Model?
7. Star Teachers Can Expand Their Influence. Why Shouldn't Everyone Be Able To Learn From The Best Teachers That There Are?
8. The Things That Teachers Learn From Preparing Hypertext Lesson Plans Will Enrich All Their Teaching.
Self-Directedness Promotes Self-Management, Self-Control, Self-Sufficiency
Self-Directedness Helps To Focus
Focused Studying Promotes Learning Easier And Faster
Why Hypertext Is Better Than Linear
Why Hypertext Lesson Plans Are Higher Quality Than Linear Lesson Plans,
(Even For The Classroom Attendance Model)
Students can follow their most intense train of thought.
Mental orderliness is greater with hypertext lessons, and self-directedness.
Learning is easier if the student stays interested---paying attention.
The teacher is better prepared to take side tours to follow students' focus.
The same class room environment can be stimulating to many categories of learning speeds.
Slow learners won't feel left behind.
The mentally gifted can find enough extra topics to provide a challenge.
Teaching how to learn how to learn easier has priority over teaching them what to learn.
Hypertext lends itself to eventual long-distance learning courses and CD-ROMs.
Teachers can continue to earn after retirement, from royalties on their CD-ROM courses.
Lesson Plan Procedural Structure:
Mastering The Long-Distance Learning Technology
Of The Microcomputer And The Internet Interactive Style
Choices For Creating Hypertext Courseware
WordForWindows > WindowsHelpFiles > HTML FORMS & CGI Scripts\JAVA
Lesson Plan Substantive Structure:
Mastering The Levels-of-Consciousness To Enable And
Exercise In The Human Biocomputer
Why Students Thinking With Both Sides Of Their Brain Learn Easier
What Do You Mean: Think With Both Sides Of My Brain?
Julian Jaynes Revisited: My Book Report On The First Two Chapters Of
The Origins Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind
Why Involve The "Wisdom Of The Heart" In Learning
Some Resources On How To Involve The Heart-To-Head Connection
How To Be A Heart-Centered Teacher
Multimedia: Making It More Visual & Auditory
Multi-Sensory Recordings Make A More Lasting Memory Engraving
Some For The Visual People,
Some For The Auditory,
Some For The Intuitive,
Some For The Kinesthetic,
RightBrain Promoting Influences ---At Least For Me
1. Taking Systems Thinking and being exposed to the holistic teaching methods of my teacher, Milan Vodicka, and the meta-noia he created in me, with his motivational lecture. And the environment where it is okay to listen to the RightBrain.
2. An herbal formula that I invented in RightBrain mode, that promotes WholeBrain thinking, at least for me. I call it X+, and X++, for day use, and X-, and X--, for evening and night use. LINK HERE To buy a sample amount, send me a message by email, and I will send you the order form, a health questionaire, and my address. If you are on any medication, or have any special health conditions, I can adjust the formula.
One side-effect: it made me susceptible to more side-tracking, starting too many projects, having trouble bringing anything to completion. My remedy: L-Cysteine w/vitamin C, or N-Acetyl Cysteine, to promote decision-making. It seemed to help me focus, so I think it promotes LeftBrained thinking when you need it. Be sure to take B-complex with it.
3. A heart meditation written about in The Tibetan Book Of Living And Dying, that helps to keep my heart chakra open, even without a significant other of the opposite sex. Pick someone, and imagine compassion, taking in their pain and suffering on the inhale, and sending them your health and well-being on the outbreath.
The problem with this: remembering to consciously start doing the meditation.
An Editorial: One thing that is wrong with our culture---and here the mass media can assist---is that people are brainwashed by the popular culture (tv, radio, magazines, movies, etc.) to expect to find happiness with relationships that start as sexual attraction, involving the second chakras. If they instead expected to find happiness with relationships of the heart, the fourth chakra, and only later on, experience the second chakras, our families would be more stable, more loving, and would raise more stable, loving children.
4. More CAD (computer-assisted drafting) experience with AutoCAD and other CAD programs, that uses both sides of the brain. In learning or practicing CAD, our visual/spatial RightBrain side is keeping a mental model of each drawing, and the linear LeftBrain side is trying to learn or run the program.
5. Working on redefining my "personal vision", also inspired by my teacher, Milan Vodicka, as part of the course on Systems Thinking, and when he mentioned that we should aspire to develop to our full potential, or our highest potential.
6. A deep research into the Julian Jaynes book, The Origins Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind, especially the first two chapters on analog(y) and metaphor. I have a book report on this that I can send you by email, in .RTF format. It is almost a megabyte with the drawings. Try to request a copy from your library. To order a copy of the book, send me an email message, and I will send you an order form. It costs $13.85 plus $3.10 in shipping. LINK HERE
7. An anti-EMF device made by Clarus, that is supposed to be aligning my photons, or at least overwhelming the random noise generated on the subatomic level by all the computer gadgets.
This electronic gadget really does help me stay at my highest level-of-consciousness. There must be something about all the new electronic gadgets (computers, microwave ovens, etc.) that is harming us. I intend to get involved in selling them. For now, do a search on "EMF", or try "Pearl Wisdom", in Ashland, Oregon. LINK HERE
8. Discovering the InterNet, which is a mind-altering experience, all by itself.
9. Deciding to put my deepest writings out into the InterNet.
10. Eating more food out of the freezer, that I grew out in the back yard, so the atoms have the same X,Y,Z axes as where I am. Food grown close by will assimilate better into your body, than food grown half way around the world.
11. Redesigning my home with the CAD project, completing "on paper", the extensive renovations that I have started over the years. There appears to be a future-creating aspect to architectural design, a "spiritual dimension of architecture". When I saw the imaginary furniture inside the rooms, I started living in the design, not as the half-way renovated house it actually is, but in the future home, the way it will be when it is completed.
All of these new activities have caused me to raise my consciousness even higher, to learn how to learn even more easily than before---and I was already a Mensan (99%-ile)---have rapidly expanded my consciousness into the next world, the next globe in the chain (See Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, from Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton Illinois.)
I really feel like I have "transcended" the old story, or old paradigm, that is dys-integrating beneath our feet.
The secret to transcending to the next globe in the chain of Earths, which is also known as the "new paradigm", is in learning to think with both sides of your brain, at the same time, and in practicing a heart chakra meditation.
And then, in this higher level-of-consciousness, or higher quantum level of reality, we need to reinhabit our bodies, our homes, our gardens------our forests, meadows, deserts, etc.-----our relationships, ......, changing the frequency or vibration of all the atoms we come in contact with.
Jaynes uses the terms Metaphor/{SoundString} and Analog/{SpatialModel} as the basis for most of his concepts about language and ConsciouslyAwareness.
The Analog/{SpatialModel} is the same as a mental model, a symbolic visual representation of the thing it is describing, like a map describes some territory of land. { the spatial model }
The Metaphor/{SoundString} is a kind of verbally-expressed equation of auditory sounds that describes the spatial model and how it IS LIKE something more familiar }.
Concepts from Julian Jaynes' The Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind, revisited by Shari Soza in Fall 1995 Systems Thinking class
The essential point here is that there are several stages of creative thought:
first, a stage of preparation in which the problem is ConsciouslyAwarely worked over;
then a period of incubation in the unconscious, without any ConsciouslyAware concentration upon the problem; and
then the illumination which comes thru the intuitive unConscious RightBrain, and is told to the linear ConsciouslyAware LeftBrain,
and is later justified by logic, thru the linear ConsciouslyAware LeftBrain
How To Design A Self-Directed Course
( Think "CHOOSE TO", Not "HAVE TO". )
Semester Course Definition Process (Gestalt)
Each Week Definition Process (Gestalt)
Each Session Definition Process (Gestalt)
End Of Week Review Of Progress
Semester Course Definition Process (Gestalt)
Map Out The Metaphor Of What. Set Achievable Boundaries.
Define what we are going to try to learn how to do:
CHOOSE FOCUS Overall (General Case)
Map Out The Metaphor Of When
List a subject or subset of this general focus for each week
Define weekly reporting format..
List what resources we have available now, to help us focus on this each week.
Create a verbalized-in-words skeletal outline to please the LeftBrain.
Create a pictorial flowchart outline to please the RightBrain.
Get teacher/mentor/coach's approval or acquiescence.
Each Week Definition Process (Gestalt)
Each Week Definition Stage: Master (Command Myself) Mode
Define what we are going to try to learn how to do
When I am finished, I will be able to .......
I will have learned enough to satisfy this gestalt, when I am able to .........
(List a subject or subset of this general focus for each session this week.)
List what resources we have available now, to help us focus on this each session.
Create a verbalized-in-words skeletal outline to please the LeftBrain.
Create a pictorial flowchart outline to please the RightBrain.
Define weekly reporting format or deliverable.
Review our progress from last week, analyze effectiveness, and change approach.
Get teacher/mentor/coach's approval or acquiescence.
Each Session Process (Gestalt)
Each Session Definition Stage: Master (Command Myself) Mode
Define what we are going to try to learn this session.
Gather the resources.
Review the verbalized-in-words skeletal outline to please the LeftBrain.
Review the pictorial flowchart outline to please the RightBrain.
Define weekly reporting format or deliverable.
Each Session Immersion Stage: Slave (Follow-thru) Mode
Exposing the human biocomputer---as a recording mechanism---
to the sequence of experiences and resources.
Finding analogies between something new and something familiar.
Review our choice of focus with LeftBrain verbal side.
Review our choice of focus as visual/spatial flowchart side.
Do a short session of CAD drawing, utilizing both verbal and visual/spatial sides.
Wander thru the pre-defined course matrix of hypertext trails, according to the flow of thought, the most interested in subjects, trying to focus with both sides of the brain ON, and with the verbal chatter of the LeftBrain turned OFF. This builds capability to think in theis range of thought frequency, or level-of-consciousness.
Make notes, drawings, documents, or audio tape RECORDINGS.
The Teacher's Viewpoint
Assessment of the course matrix, for this particular student.
Get feedback from the student.
Improve the course matrix for the next time.
Quality Management Of Results:
Are The Students Learning Better?
Total Quality Learning MEANS Constant Improvement In Lesson-Planning Design
Assessed By Is The Student Learning Easily And Growing Intellectually And Spiritually
Total Quality Lesson Plan Design MEANS Planning Ahead For Learner-Controlled Instruction, Where Each Student Proceeds At Their Own Pace
A Non-Linear, Dynamic Structure IS Facilitated By Hypertext/Windows- Help/HTML
Total Quality Learning MEANS Constant Improvement In Assessing How Much Time Is Wasted In Grading Papers, That Could Be Put Toward Designing More Effective Lesson Plans And Content
Concepts From Systems Thinking
Synergy: Rising Above It To Higher And Higher Levels Of Understanding
Time -Matrix Translation And Futurism
Time Matrix Translation Definition
Time-Matrix Translation (T.M.T.) is an original phrase that I coined about 20 years ago. It shows us how to transfer our consciousness from one reality to another. When I first started getting the ideas for this, it seemed that it would be a form of teleportation. We usually associate teleportation with traveling thru space.
Time-Matrix Translation is traveling from one time dimension to another, of our own definition, within the same physical space, more or less. { It is what you mean when your RightBrain says "rise above it". RightBrain means your intuitive, wholistic self, that operates like a kaleidescope or scanner, as opposed to your LeftBrain, that is more fixed and linear, like a streaming magnetic tape.
When I say this, I really mean that there are many stable quantum levels-of- conscious-ness in the unified field, what some call Infinite Intelligence, or the Cosmic Computer, or All-That-Is.
The thought frequencies of these layers
the electromagnetic spectrum.
I perceive of each stable quantum level as a "uni-verse", or "one-story", that holds together in a regular pattern.
Internal And External Environmental Changes
That May Help Make Learning Easier
Biological Wholeness:
Smart Nutrients That IMPROVE The Performance Of The Brain And Make Learning Easier
My RightBrain Promoting Herbal Formulas
My AntiDysRhythmia Herbal FormulaThat Helps The Brain Learn A Smoother Brainwave Pattern
Sound Therapy To Build A New Center Of Consciousness
Light Therapy To Stimulate The Pineal Gland
Use Of Sunlight
Use Of Colors
Herbs, Amino Acids, Etc That Make The Heart A Better Pump
Neurotransmitter Precursors
Why Being Physically Fit PROMOTES Clear Thinking
Clarity Of Thought [Clarity.htm]
by Shari Soza
PROMOTES ClarityOfThought
HeartAGoodPump PROMOTES CerebralBloodFlow
NeckArteriesUnblockedAndNotTooNarrow PROMOTES CerebralBloodFlow
BloodVesselSpasm IMPEDES CerebralBloodflow
NeckVertebralImpingementOnBloodOrLymphVessel IMPEDES CerebralBloodflow
PROMOTES FreeRadicalDamage
PROMOTES ClarityOfThought
AdequateBloodSugar PROMOTES ClarityOfThought
AdequateOxygen PROMOTES ClarityOfThought
CertainAminoAcidsNeuroTransmitterPrecursors PROMOTE ClarityOfThought
CommonlyHelpful ARE TyrosineGlutamineCysteineMethionine
BloodTooThick CANNOT-CIRCULATE ThruNarrowerPassages
PlateletDisaggregatorsThatThinBlood PROMOTES ClarityOfThought
LymphFluidsInNeckAndHeadFlowing PROMOTES ClarityOfThought
PROMOTES OverReactiveThinking
HerbalFibersLikeSlipperyElm CAN-PROTECT AgainstReabsorptionOfToxicMetabolites
On A SelfTalk/Thinking Mode Level
Meditation IS LearningToStillVerbalChatter_
Constantly ImprovingOurMentalOrderliness
See http://www.snowcrest.net/soza/health/aaintro.fnd
Excerpts From A Look Back 1991
On Sound And Light Closets
Why Physical Fitness
Sound and Light Therapies To Ease Learning
Environmental Factors That Could Improve Learning
IAQ, EMF, ...
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