1. Suspend LeftBrain verbal chatter and focus on RightBrain intuitional/ into-it-itional/ pre-verbalized/"vibes" level
2. Tune in to the level-of-consciousness of the author, and you will know all he knows. This will make the reading portion more efficient.
[Think of the book as a recording of the thought frequency of the
author in that subject.
I perceive all thought
energy as being like the electromagnetic spectrum. It happened after
the auto accident, when I became RightBrain-dominant.]
3. For new subjects, that seem "hard", find a familiar subject that is similar, and tell yourself that it is easy, and find a way to believe that
SomethingNew IS-LIKE Something Familiar.
4. Focus on narrow areas for each session, so that you can change
your thought frequency to a narrow band of knowledge, and turn on record
More from my web pages on Self-Directed
5. Follow your own flow-of-most-intense-interest, because that makes the strongest recording.
6. Tune into your heart chakra. This adds wisdom-frequency scanning to your thought process.
When you begin to rely more on your RightBrain's intuitive talents, you have strengthened the connection to the part of you that already knows everything, [that part that is the "gap between the thoughts"?]
It already knows everything you will ever learn, because it is not limited to the present. It exists in that level where past, present, and future are all ONE.
The heart chakra seems to have the frequency-scanning mode, to amplify the intuition.
Used together,
RightBrainIntuitionON + HeartChakraScanningON = InputFromCosmicComputerEasy
7. Feeling "not ready" for this mode of thinking?
Simply tell your subconscious
By declaring this intention, your own HigherSelf now has permission to tell things to you, that you have forbidden it to do, previously, by your "self talk".
8. .....more coming --
Shari Soza 11-21-96
Resume maintained online at