I see some good and some bad aspects of how this meeting of the Unorganized Militia was held.
1. People obviously do need a grass-roots forum to gather together and express their feelings of having been mistreated by government bureaucracies.
2. Local government officials obviously do need a watchdog organization keeping them on their toes, reminding them that they are servants of the people, and not overlords.
3. People obviously do need someone encouraging them to learn how to stand up for their legal rights, without running to a high-priced lawyer.
Several things about the meeting bother me.
One, when I tried to get the leaders to understand, after the meeting broke up, that their followers would benefit from taking the business law class at C.O.S., in Weed, I got strange reactions, that made me feel like the leaders did not really want the followers to learn what the law is, just what the leaders want them to believe that the law is, and probably just to buy what they are selling.
Two, after reading thru the newspaper being promoted at the meeting, published by a paralegal out of Medford, Oregon, its profit-oriented pyramid distribution scheme, and its high prices for writings on certain aspects of the law, it becomes fairly apparent that the whole game is devolving into a promotion to sell gullible people something. It was fairly easy to see thru their message, unless you are not very educated. Check them out at "http://chelsea.ios.com/~tabex19/" or at "tabex19@mind.net".
Three, at the beginning of the meeting, after a Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, which is fine, the leader invoked a particular religious avatar, which gave the whole meeting an unnecessary flavor of the level-of-consciousness of a particular religion.
That violated my rights to have my own spiritual beliefs, as high up as I am able to understand, and not be subjected to brainwashing of someone less educated's more limited viewpoint on what the truth is. That was a big turnoff for me, right then.
Certain books were on sale, and also the newspaper that was handed out, repeating certain paranoic delusions, that old one about "the beast" and probably "the anti-christ", and the new misinterpretations of "new world order".
These subjects are not constructive, and just encourage paranoid thinking.
The new enemy is not a different group of people striving against us, like we were brainwashed to believe for so long, during the "Cold War". The choice that we have to make is not in choosing one side or the other. It is in staying aware of what kind of thinking is at work, no matter which side it comes from, and in choosing REASON.
The new enemy is dictatorial thinking itself, and irrationality. The crisis point in evolution that we face right now, is in needing to abandon governing people by FEAR, FORCE, and COERCION, what I call the "dominance and submission" levels-of-consciousness like packs of dogs in the wilderness, and in updating our bureaucratic policies to respect each individual's right to be conscious in their own highest level-of-consciousness, their own highest Self.
I used to express this as "dominance and submission", which uses the brainstem and mid-brain, older evolutionary layers of the brain, vs. "using their cerebral cortex, in a brainwave coordinated manner, to REASON". Things that I have learned since show me that it is not just irrationality or not, like using Reasoning vs ordering people around like a drill sargeant. On dominance and submission
It is important to learn new ways of using our brain thinking modes, including new techniques of group dialogue, listening for the higher meaning, to go beyond using only the LeftBrain logical rational linear side, that is good at looking at the parts, and learning to trust our RightBrain intuitive imaginative spatial creative side, that has the pattern-recognition ability, and is good at looking at wholes, bringing the LeftBrain back in to check what we got by stream-of-consciousness, in Integrated, WholeBrain and/or Wholistic thinking.
Even beyond learning new ways of thinking with our brain hemispheres, it is important right now to deliberately practice heart chakra meditations, to be sure that our heart chakra is open, and then together with our WholeBrain thinking modes, we can see the "forest", and not just the trees.
This "ThreePartThinking" is the real key to finding new solutions, to rising above our centuries-old hatreds, and indeed, is the key to being in what Christians call the "Holy Spirit^". I add an extra something, to signal to your visual side that this is a new definition, not that old broken record that spiritually illiterate preachers have been trying to sell for so long, without informing people that they already have it.
Part of the problem is that our education system has trained us to be too LeftBrained, and our Christian religious brainwashing itself has made us distrust our RightBrain messages. These two problems are two sides of the same coin. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
For the leadership of this meeting to invoke the name of their religious avatar, from a school of thought that discourages listening to our RightBrain, shows that they are not part of the solution. They are part of the problem. Their answers are not worth following. Their books are not worth buying.
I am educated in Chemistry and Physics, B.S. in Chemistry, 1968, from Lamar, in Beaumont Texas, a life-long learner, and a member of Mensa, one of the top 2% in intellect of this nation. I am not easily misled.
It has always bothered me that people like this, in their ignorance of how the time-space matrix works, actually help to create the futures they claim to be afraid of, by dwelling on these kinds of thoughts full of untruth and untrust, and in making recordings of them.
Whatever you expect, and you keep your thoughts on, - especially making recordings like these books and newspapers, full of lies and mis-information, -will become manifest.
It is not a flat world. The world is really multi-dimensional, more than one universe, more than one world. We constantly choose which layers of reality that we want to manifest thru our choice of our thoughts.
By focusing the meeting in levels-of-consciousness of a specific religious viewpoint, which I myself consider a trap for fools, as it is full of unresolvable contradictions, and discourages us from using both sides of our brains to think, the leadership made this movement ineffective.
These kinds of leaders probably mean well, but they are being confused by the profit motive, and by not being well-informed themselves about the law, they are easy prey for groups like other "patriot" and "militia" groups that want to sell something and wrap it up in a package of flags and talking about the Constitution.
Anyone reading the kind of writing in the Medford newspaper, The American's Bulletin, as a steady intellectual diet, instead of visiting the law library, making photocopies of the pages they are interested in, taking them home to study, until they are well-informed on their particular niche of the law, and in buying their own paperback copies of the most basic procedural lawbooks from West Publishing, is just going down a path to an empty pocket.
As I said, the courts and lawsuits are a chess game. It is not possible to write pre-researched packets of information and forms on legal matters, that will totally take care of your needs. You always have to go bury yourself in the law library afresh, because "what the law is" is constantly changing.
It is not sufficient to learn what someone else says the law is, and then parrot that to the judge. You must understand your-self what the current state of the law is, and be able to think clearly in court.
Are you going to be able to sue the seller of these purportedly adequate legal packets, for malpractice?
Buying packets of pre-researched paperwork can save you time in researching it yourself, but the judge that you appear before might not buy into the dream world that these kinds of publications are selling. He is sworn to uphold the current state of the law, not some groups' interpretation of what they think the law should be.
They can not do any lasting service to their followers by sending them out to dis-obey laws, some of which do not really matter, and end up in lots of trouble.
They do not do any lasting service by being so outspoken before they do their homework, and standing up there not really knowing what they are talking about.
Exercising your legal rights under the Constitution is an intellectual chess game, with clearly defined rules. If you do not understand what the chess moves are, you will lose the chess game. Who will you blame then? Will the leaders of this group be liable for the damage that they cause to their gullible followers?
Sending out followers all enthusiastic, but with no word weapons, with little or no real legal knowledge, eventually leaves the impression that this group is just not credible.
While some things about the group are good, my overall impression is that they are preying on people's genuine feelings about their rights being violated, in order to sell books and make a profit.
In general, these two things do not mix, they are like water and oil.
To be genuinely uplifting, and beneficial to the followers, I would advise the leadership to abandon their profit-making motives.
That taints the movement, and all the good that they can do. They are encouraging people to get themselves into legal trouble, and they are not encouraging them to actually educate themselves to be their own lawyers in court. Also, by focusing the movement to appeal to the uneducated, does not do much to convince sitting judges to really listen to the followers of such a group.
In the law, it is a chess game. You either know what the moves are, or you study the lawbooks like crazy, or you get stomped on.
The large money awards that these publications encourage people to sue for, for violations of their rights, are not likely. They are appealing to followers' greed, rather than to their genuine Constitutional rights.
It is not beneficial to be encouraged to stand up for your rights, without at least teaching you what the chess moves are.
Trying to use this movement to sell high-priced books on what the moves are, is not better than sending you to the high-priced lawyers.
It is price-gouging at least, and sounds like one more example of mail fraud. And if the leaders of this local militia movement continue to seek profit by this activity, they dishonor the ideals that they promise to be upholding.
If they cannot understand that this is what they are doing, they need to take that business law course I recommended, or at least buy the textbook, which is an excellent overview or survey of what the law really is. Business Law Today, Third Edition , by Miller & Jentz. I see that there are 3 versions. I also buy the current paperback versions of the California Code of Civil Procedure , and Civil Code , at the least. I also keep a copy of Judicial Council Forms , and California Rules of Court .
Citizens have every right to buy their own lawbooks. I have had a West Publishing account for 15 years. You do not have to be a lawyer just to buy books from West.
I also recommend an ADJ course, that I took from Robert NeVille, in Weed, while pursing the Legal Assistant program, and its textbook was Criminal Evidence, Principles, Cases, and Readings, 2nd Edition , by Thomas J. Gardner.
This book will teach you about what the police are supposed to be doing when they arrest someone. I would say that this would be required reading before sending people out to deliberately disobey laws, or at least to disobey dictatorial bureaucrats.
While civil disobedience is superior to violence, uninformed civil disobedience, or misinformed civil disobedience will not accomplish what the group thinks it is seeking.
Only by educating themselves, and by talking coherently when they are in court, can the group make a credible impression on the legal system. Only by improving their thinking capacity, I would hope as I describe herein, can this group hope to create a future that would make them happier.
The way that they are going about it will accomplish the opposite of what they think they are seeking. Instead of respect for their legal rights, they will receive contempt for their lack of education.
The karmic ledgers of the universes do not pardon such leadership for their ignorance. And claiming to do such things in the name of their religious avatar, who is not able to speak up for himself, does not relieve them of the inexorable karmic effects of what they do. To think that it makes everything they do okay, somehow magically, is like the blind leading the blind. Our nation was not founded by men that ignorant, and a group like this cannot forge a new future. It is a fraud to pretend to speak for all Americans.
To encourage another person to go out and get himself into trouble, just to sell him the papers to get out of trouble, is not good karma.
Lastly, if any of you discover, after you have gotten yourself in deep legal trouble, that you need some help, seek a paralegal.
We are not allowed to appear for you in court, but we can help you learn how to do legal research, or do the legal research for you, and we can write legal documents for you, but you must make your own choices.
The legal process is theoretically a wonderful thing, but in actuality, it has gotten so specialized and complicated, and the courts are so over-burdened with cases that are non-essential, for instance, victimless crimes, that the judges have little time to consider each case.
Being only human beings, they can make the wrong choices, due to the stress of all this overwork.
The legal process is adversarial, usually winner take all, little compromise, much too LeftBrained. More creative issue resolution processes are evolving, like arbitration, mediation, conciliation, etc.
It is extremely hard to obtain Justice, in today's legal environment.
It is fairly easy to defend yourself against someone else trying to use the legal system to abuse you.
It is extremely easy and more constructive, to begin taking paralegal courses like business law, or even some of the law courses in Administration of Justice, that the police take.
Before jumping into the frying pan, it would be smart to take a course and understand more clearly what the law is.
I recommend the Law Library in Jackson County, Oregon, in Medford, because the Siskiyou County Law Library is not well-enough ventilated, and this can be harmful to your brain.
A Note To Civil Servants
Do not confuse the message being put forward, with the lack of credibility of some of the messengers.
No side is all right or all wrong. In any instance where a public employee uses dictatorial "dominance and submission" thinking, instead of their own cerebral cortex for reasoning, they are probably going to take the wrong position.
If you yourself, each of you, try to increase your compassion, which takes dedication to daily invoking your own heart energy, and learn to listen to your own RightBrain, and to still the LeftBrain verbal chatter, you will not be guilty of the kinds of abuses of citizens' Constitutional rights being complained of. It is the LeftBrain that can be dictatorial and act like a drill sargeant, "do as I tell you, or else".
Still having trouble with whole-brain thinking?
Another one with things that promoted whole-brain thinking.
Or why not try some Ginkgo Biloba herb? It promotes better circulation to the brain. This can help you to see the higher level where everybody wins.
To All:
Any group that does not respect each individual's right to have their own beliefs, as high up as they understand, is not part of the solution. They are part of the problem, the problem of how did our society become too LeftBrained.
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Not Something After You Die, It Is Within You Now, And You Reach It By Retraining Your Thinking Processes, And In Gaining More Practice Thinking, Which Means More Education---Lifelong Learning.
The Secret To Creating A Better Future Is In Transcending To Higher And Higher Planes Of Consciousness, In This Selectible Universe(s), Not In Hurting Each Other. At Highest Levels Of Consciousness, We Are All The Same One Being, Just Expressing As Carbon Copies.
The legal system is still built on FORCE and COERCION, so resorting to use of the legal system, instead of using true dialogue, and reconciliation and forgiveness, is still, sadly, not the answer.
We all need to constantly work on ourselves, and on improving our own brainwave coordination, to stay at our own highest level-of-consciousness, our own highest Self. If we do that, we move into more perfect, less limited realities, that already exist.
Copyright, 1995 Shari {Seth} Soza