Preface: This essay was written during the Persian Gulf War by Sharon E. ("Shari") Soza, a citizen of the United States. The three main ideas were realized by me in an early morning dream, on the date stated.
January 21, 1991
The sado-masochistic way of "dominance and submission" is a throwback to earlier times when humans were too intellectually undeveloped to understand that ideas can be right, that is, TRUE, in and of themselves, and independent of who thinks them.
In primitive dominance and submission societies like Ch'in, a western state in China, whatever the king said was the law, was the law, and no one dared to disobey it, or to question it, on pain of death, or other harsh punishments. No individual was allowed to think for themselves.
Even in earlier so-called civilizations, the physically strongest dominated the physically weaker, like the dominance and submission rituals of dogs in the wild. This is a part of our human heritage, that we must work to overcome, the idea that "might makes right".
Children growing up exhibit lots of physical violence, hitting, kicking, pinching, hairpulling, etc., until they can be educated and tamed to act civilized, and to follow right, not wrong.
It is a lie that Arabs do not fight other Arabs. The long history of the Mesopotamian valley with the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, included Sumer and Akkad, Babylonia, and Chaldea, was a repeating pattern of one city-state's army fighting the other ones, for dominance, to see whose local god would be the highest god--- a classic dominance and submission pattern.
Saddam Hussein and other heartless, unfeeling dictators, who overly dominate their societies, in the service of their own egos, are just the end result of a leader who has broken down mentally, from too much stress and can no longer use his cerebral cortex consistently, for reasoning.
They use fear, force, threats, degradation, humiliation, torture, and other violations of individual human rights to frighten and control, to exact unreasonable degrees of obedience and subservience from their subjugated citizens, because they themselves are too tired and their nervous systems too depleted for them to be good leaders and inspire their citizens to rise to their full potential.
When their cerebral cortex, which they need for reasoning, loses control to older, more primitive layers of their brain, this need for extreme territorial dominance is exhibited, at the cost of destroying kinder, gentler feelings in those dominated, at the cost of violating their citizens' "personal sovereignty", the integrity of their personality, their own highest level, of those still able to reason. I wonder if there is not something at the root of violence and dictatorship, that cries out to "make others brain-damaged, just like me, why am I different?"
Whenever government violates the rights of human beings to stay conscious at their own personal highest level-of-consciousness, their own personal center of most coordinated brainwaves, it injures the person's ability to use his or her brain in its full power to intellectually reason, and damages that person in their self-esteem and confidence.
Whenever a government completely dominates the personalities, by use of fear, force, coercion and similar, to control the population, like Russia has done for so long, or like China has done, instead of evolving to meet the needs for nurturance of their evolving population, the people cannot be expected to develop to their full potential, and cannot be expected to be industrially productive. When such a society, like China, slaughters its best and brightest for daring to demonstrate for a higher form of governance, it continually dilutes the genetic pool of its people, weaken- ing the intellectual strength of its nation. Often Communist armies have tried to kill all of the educated people, like Stalin, and the Khymer Rouge.
They and any other government built upon a police state and censorship and fear, force, coercion, are no different from the hoodlums called the Baath party in Iraq, who are in control of the military and behave like the Mafia.
They are a "house of cards", held up only by fear, force, and coercion. No government is perfect, as it must constantly adapt and readjust itself to the evolving needs of the human beings it seeks to serve, but the democratic style of government which is based on ideas being Right in and of themselves, that is, TRUTH, records these TRUTHS in rule books that we call Law books. Then Reason and Logic are applied to interpret these rules and laws, which take the place of the dominant leader, and every citizen submits to this "rule of law", instead of to the sado-masochistic "rule of dominance and submission". The police enforce this submission for those not smart enough to voluntarily submit. Civil laws are necessary to define how people are expected to behave, in non-criminal situations, and to protect the rights of the individual.
When men like Saddam Hussein who don't want to obey the resolutions of consensus of the International Community, as expressed by the United Nations, or to "capitulate" to the United States on as simple a thing as picking a date from a list of 15 different dates, and think that they are right to threaten and predominate and subjugate by threat and force and fear, merely because they are in possession of more and terribler weapons and more soldiers in uniform, than their kinder, gentler neighbors, the remaining nations in the International Community must first speak out, to notify of their non-acquiesence and non-condoning of such behavior, to give notice that it will not be tolerated, and to follow up on these notices by refusing to trade products with the errant nation, economically, ---the "rule of the pursestrings"--- and then, after a fixed period of time, a probationary period, the Planetary Coalition Against Aggression must then ACT to reverse the unlawful aggressive taking and to destroy the aggressors' cache of weapons, in situations where the rogue villain dictator is not amenable to reason.
In other words, in situations where the rogue aggressor leader does not voluntarily submit to the Reasoned Decision of the majority of, or the consensus of, national leaders of other planetary nations, who are not as stressed out, and therefore more able to reason, then this consensus must "show him who the boss is", that is, the coalition must ACT to take the role of dominant and make him submit to being dominated by the "rule of law", whether he is capable of understanding it or not, even if it requires enforcement of this involuntary submission by acts of warriors and war machines.
Once the ActionToReverseTheAggression has been initiated, after due notice, and with the legalized status of formal United Nations resolutions, like "CourtOrdersOfTheConsensusOfReason", thereafter PeaceInitiatives are inappropriate, and the ActionToReverseTheAggression must proceed, and continue to its logical conclusion, until the rogue villainous leader
1) IsForciblyCaptured, 2) VoluntarilySurrendersForImprisonment, or
3) IsKilledInTryingToCaptureHim.
As a lifelong assassin, sadistic torturer, and orderer of mass murders, Saddam Hussein is a clear example of the kind of RogueAndVillainousDictator who is a DangerToHimselfAndOthers, and must be removed. The people of Iraq must be considered a mixture of victims of Saddam's sadomasochism, and perpetrators of the same behavior; because that is the only example he set, and demanded, almost all of the Iraqi people are incapable of reason ---besides the fact that he has systematically slaughtered anyone smart enough to see thru him, for about 12 years--- and they will require governmental management and reorganization of their country, like the U.S. did in Japan after WWII, for two or more generations, by outsiders from nations where people are respected, where their human rights are understood.
The United States of America, and its original colonial or "mother" country, England, are currently most forthright in striving to provide leadership in this ActionToReverseTheAggression. This is so because we have the longest history and the most experience with treating our citizens--- and any citizens of other countries, while they are inside our territory--- with respect for their legal rights to have their inalienable human rights honored.
In the U.S., these rights are delineated in our Constitution and Bill Of Rights, and protected with statutes like 42 United States Code, section 1983. We derived our own respect for individual rights from the common law heritage passed down to our forefathers from England. Other countries have copied some aspects of this heritage, but some have failed to practice it as well, or as long as we have, so we have better and more developed laws, protecting the rights of human beings, and we also have raised more generations of free people who were freer to develop to their full potential if they wanted to.
That is why our citizens invented the telephone, the airplane, the automobile (and trucks), mass production using interchangeable parts, the light bulb, alternating current, the computer and many many other "modern" inventions. First, because we did not slaughter the best and brightest, and second, because we did not injure their "personal sovereignty" by violating their Constitutionally-protected rights.
Democracy means more than just freedom to choose our leaders. It also means that the leaders change more often, usually before their brains become rancid due to poor circulation to their brains, that usually comes with old age or disease, because we can just vote them out at the next election.
No leader can capture control of our government by a military coup d'etat, by using our military to put a minority party into power, like Gorbachev is trying to do in the Baltics now. This is another reason why the United
States is more qualified to take a leading role in the evolution of the "New World Order". We are more trustworthy. Our Congress can even "impeach" the President if he became a RogueAndVillainous Leader, due to impairment of his brain. We have a well-known system of checks and balances, because at the time of the founding of our nation, we well understood how a king can abuse his powers.
The example of Mikhail Gorbachev as he is now acting out of being overstressed, shows us that even the brightest and best of us could become unreasonable and act like a RogueAndVillainous dictator, if our brain got stressed out enough. "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely", and also the ghost of Stalin just does not want his creation to disintegrate, and is evidently powerful enough to use Mikhail Gorbachev as the instrument of his will.
The mind of Mikhail seems to waver back and forth, between the "New Story" of the new paradigm, and the "Old Story", of the disintegrating "Cold War" level-of-consciousness. It is a personal and professional tragedy for him and for all of us who grew to love him, but the future of the Soviet Union is that it is still a "house of cards", if they try to keep their status and power by brutal suppression and repression, using fear, force, and coercion. The Western nations should refuse to help the Communist party stay in power, now that it has suffered a relapse of resolve. And then, it will collapse of its own weight. There is no need for military action to reverse the aggression by the Communist party hardliners, that is sure to self-destruct if it tries to refocus back into the past, into the dis- integrated quantum level-of-consciousness. Once a process of "Time Matrix
Translation"---the principle behind Perestroika--- is begun, it is not reversible. The movie of Life only runs forward.
Everything we do, all day, every day, is recording our tomorrows; this movie is projected by the thoughts we have today, and the movie only runs forwards. Old, wornout uni-verses ---"OneStory" (a stable quantum level- of-consciousness)---die off and new uni-verses are born at every second of time, and we can carry whatever we want into the next worlds.
The disintegration and dissolution of the "Cold War" duality which began following the 1945 nuclear explosions, has now become permanent. Even the momentary relapses of one of the superstars of the "Peace Process", cannot undo the jumps in consciousness that most of us have already taken.
We are not going back "into the past" with Mikhail, just because the ghost of Stalin wants him to.
"The Next World Is Crystallized In Tranquility" is the symbolic theme of the "New World Order". And if it takes further development of the United Nations to be able to enforce the CourtOrdersOfTheConsensus against those nations who would try to use fear, force, and coercion to steal the territory of their neighbors, then it will be every nation's responsibility to work toward this capability unceasingly, so that we won't have to keep on having the horror and destructiveness and expense of war.
We have to have war, because the nations of the Earth have not yet developed enough firm international law, and procedures about how to respond to aggression, which might have prevented the need for military action.
Every time this happens, we forget to finish the job, and institute really planetary law, a federation of federations which will be spread all over the Earth, to be able to act quickly when aggression occurs, and all under the umbrella of the United Nations. Any region like the Middle East, which does not have a cooperation federation, should be appointed one, to act as their "administrator", until they do mature enough to decide what they really want their federal level of government to do.
Even if we do not want to interfere in the internal affairs of another nation, it becomes everybody's business when that nation threatens the world economies by threatening the oil supply. Any nation that commits aggression, either against its neighbors, or against the peaceful people in its provinces, who are asserting their rights to self-determination, and freedom from subjugation by force, fear and intimidation, makes it everybody else's business.
Until nations of the planet Earth form a more advanced, higher level of the United Nations, we will still be having to be vigilant against the next rancid-minded dictator out to "rule the world". We must replace "dominance and submission" with more advanced mechanisms for exercising Reason.
To this end, I have been developing software to aid our courts and attorneys in staying focused on the issues, ---the main module is named CLARITY, and it has a scorecard---as well as a court calendar program, that serves as the framework for organizing the process.
My real goal is to provide "the perfect software tools" for judges and attorneys to use to develop and evolve software to help them make decisions in litigation. The same decision mechanisms apply to every style of tough decision-making, where there is conflict: arbitration, negotiation, litigation, etc.---the same mechanisms can be applied to "The Peace Process".
With your cooperation, I can also work to provide software tools to help government officials and national leaders develop software to help the inter- national community navigate thru the decades of change ahead. I am especially focused on the needs for "The Peace Process", and customizing an issues processor for the United Nations members. Whether you used it formally, or just for informal discussion, I believe that "Parallel Elements" module CLARITY will help you to keep focused on the allegations and think of it all like it is a court case. What we need is more definite United Nations Laws, more a Civil Code of International Responsibility.
Several months ago, I sent a copy of my issues processor, "Parallel Elements"--- which you can make copies of and share, since it is shareware--- to you in care of Javier Perez de Cuellar, at his office at the United Nations. It is three floppy disks. Be sure to save your files before selecting a new case number. After sending him that version, I improved the commercial version, and have been improving the calendar program that goes with it, "Calendar Judge". I am now very close to releasing the enhanced version of "Calendar Judge", and I was very close to releasing the enhanced version of "Parallel Elements", when I set it aside to finish up "Calendar Judge". They should both be ready soon.
Please contact Perez de Cuellar for a copy of the shareware. It works on any "IBM PC" compatible microcomputer, under MS-DOS 3.2 or later. For more information on the software, you can call and download several documents on the system from my VoiceMail\FAX system. In the polling list, are in-depth descriptions of the software, and a list of the subroutines and functions. I will also put in the polling list, the ideas that I earlier channeled from the future, about how to improve the United Nations and evolve procedures about what a country is supposed to do the next time, to oppose naked aggression. America should not have to be the "world's policeman", but if all the nations do not work together to support a United Nations police force, we will probably have to do it. I am not saying that Saddam Hussein would be rational enough to be able to use these programs. We should get on with disarming and capturing him, but we should all work toward preventing any leader getting as far from reality as he is, ever again. A "pause for peace", in his case, would just give him a chance to repair things and come back fighting harder than ever. Shareware loading instructions are in the polling list in the list of VoiceMail scripts. Or, call and leave your country name, person's name, and FAX number, and I can FAX you just the shareware loading instructions. They are mailbox #300 and #301 in the VoiceMail system. [Temporarily, the VoiceMail information is unavailable; while I wait for a replacement hard disk drive for my software development computer, I am using the VoiceMail computer for programming. All the mailbox scripts are in the polling list, though, so you can download that and not have to listen over the telephone.
I can stop what I am doing and start up the VoiceMail software for you to use to download. The number is --------, or leave a message on a regular answering machine at ---------. I do put the VoiceMail software on every night when I go to bed, so if you call in the early morning, that would be on.]
The licenses are "per judge", or similar, and I will need proof that your country abides by the Copyright Laws. You can buy one copy for evaluation, and then, if you believe that it can help you, you buy more copies for all the personnel who will need to use it.
The Lady Of Cosmic Justice, Shari Soza
SHARI SOZA ENTERPRISES, "The JUSTICIA Project",-------, Yreka, California 96097