Some times words just "come up" inside my mind, from nowhere,

with a word that I never ever use,   but when I go and check it in the

dictionary, it is exactly the right word to describe the situation.

Tonight,    12-21/22-96,   the word was "edifying".

This brings me back to the epistimilogical (sp?) question:

"What do I know,   and how do I know it?"

This stuff doesn't come with an   OFF switch.     Turning this   OFF

is hopeless.    After almost 30 years,    there is no way to turn it OFF.

If this interests you,    please read  Julian Jaynes'

The Origins of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind.

There just is not any simple way to turn this OFF.

The "applet" that loaded,    and never exited.



And So It Is