by Shari Soza

On the occasion of the resignation of Secretary of State James Baker, of the United States of America State Department, to pursue achieving re- election of his friend, President George Bush, and to get himself "re- appointed", with so many international disputes festering and unresolved, plus more and more natural disasters, environmental pollutions, and other urgent problems that we must rapidly learn to deal with, on a planetary level, I hereby offer to make myself available for issues discussion between any two rational parties to any currently existing dispute, or any dispute evolving during the remainder of this election process, thru the end of 1992. I am not a government employee. I have no connection to the CIA or the U.S. State Department.

I am a software developer for the MS-DOS operating system, using my own "IBM PC" compatible personal computers. One of my systems is an "ISSUES PROCESSOR", meant to focus attention on the issues, and help arrive at logical rational decisions, even in the midst of agonizing emotional hurricanes. The name of the programs collectively is "Parallel Elements", in "The JUSTICIA Project" system. I have been doing computer programming since 1969. I offered last year to make a United Nations' version of my issues processing software.

At that time, I was marketing software at a per-copy type price, but I since have gone on a long "vacation" to recuperate from stress-induced arthritis. I can only make the software available now, at a "site- license" type price, with entire countries buying the right to make enough copies enough to govern an entire population, and only to nations which maintain their own staff of programmers, using my source code toolkits, in PowerBasic, highly readable and understandable, developed just for this purpose.

I will act like an "honest broker" and process the issues in your dispute for you, for any specific dispute, with my programs, on my computers, so that you can get some help in James Baker's absence, and then I will FAX you the printout sheets, which show each individual issue as an allegation and its response, with lots of "white space" around it, kind of like a flash card. I printout three pairs on an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet.

As we work with these issues, I will send the parties copies of the issues list updates and the scorecard of how the ADMISSIONs and CONCEDEDs and DECIDEDs are affecting the "law of the case". I have "pro se" and "in propria persona" legal experience since 1977, and am "attorney-in-fact" for my husband. I have been working on computer software to aid the civil litigation process since 1986, on my "IBM PC" compatible computers.

The essence of any dispute can be broken down into a list of factual alle- gations, and then the other side states its position in response to each allegation. These are the "Parallel Elements", upon which the entire civil litigation process depends. They define the "gestalt" of how all the rest of the process proceeds. At the end, they resolve into the FINDINGS OF FACT and CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, a restatement of the initial allegations to conform to what was PROVEN or DECIDED.

I will do this for any two rational parties involved in a dispute. The key to many of the territorial disputes is to split up "sovereignty" into layers, so that governments have control of the roads and utilities and borders, but the families and individuals have "personal sovereignty" rights of dominion, inside their own yard and home, mind and body, and vehicle.

Another crux of the problem is that certain religions teach their people things that do not encourage tolerance, and respect for other people's right to believe whatever they want to believe in. Since studying comparative religion since the age of 12, thru The Theosophical Society, I know that the highest truths of every religion, the things that their most educated spiritual people know, are the same. The problem is what is taught to the "masses". Every religion should purge itself of preachers and mullahs that try to teach individuals not to listen to their own higher self, and tells them that only the preacher or mullah knows what the truth is. I have long studied Theosophy's founder H.P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, a treatise on the cycles and cosmology, based upon her studies of various major religions.

Maybe one avenue we are forgetting about, is to get the leaders of the higher forms of every major religion to all work toward teaching tolerance of other people's rights to exist within their own highest level of brainwave coordination.

When this is clear, it becomes obvious that certain behaviors on the part of governments are just not acceptable. No society can endure, which intrudes upon, and violates the sanctity, the "personal sovereignty" of the individual and especially of the "family", anywhere multiple individuals have constructed a stable psychic environment.

What we are talking about is the stable quantum level of consciousness of every person's mind and body, vehicle and home, that is what holds together the stable quantum level of group consciousness of the society. When govern- ment violates this sanctity, especially if it separates the family, then the fabric of the reality we exist within unravels, just like in Bosnia.

The United Nations should not help the Serbians steal all those people's homes. This is not a valid activity for the United Nations. What they should have is a regional federation with a ready-response police force to be dealing with these internal aggressions against ethnic groups, by outlaw armies. I read that the Serbs gave automatic rifles to ordinary Serbian citizens, declaring "open season" on the other ethnic groups, and these non-military shooters never had any training about the international conventions and war crimes.

These people are not in an army, and though their rogue and villainous leaders encouraged them to hunt other human beings, to steal all their property, maybe we should understand what motivates these persons, just what do they think they are doing. It is pretty crazy to send peaceful people in with genocidal killers, and not want to drop a few bombs.

I think that something should have been done right at the beginning, because after soldiers and civilian people hunters get a taste for killing, and get all stressed out by the war, it becomes too late to try to interfere.

I have wondered if every nation does not need an insurance policy against a rogue-and-villainous leader somehow gaining power over the people, and then deciding to butcher them like cattle, where an external police force would already be authorized to immediately come in, and neutralize the rancid- minded leadership, and return the country to a normal condition? Is this what the United Nations is trying to do?

There are two things to remember about the "Middle East" conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, etc.

1) The Madrid Peace Conference established a new layer of stable quantum level of group consciousness BECAUSE THE RATIONAL ELEMENTS ON BOTH SIDES CONTINUED TO TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES FOR SEVENTY-TWO HOURS. It is as simple as that. This is all it ever takes. This is a function of the Time-Space Matrix on this planet. It takes three reversals between the nodal points, as the angles change between the sun and the moon, the two largest masses of matter nearby, a forward, reverse, then a forward, to "lock" the atoms at a new level. Every atom has an intersection of three dualities, which solid geometry expresses as the "x,y,z axes". This is the common ground between how thought frequency influences the atoms, everywhere, thru the center of each atom. It is like a hologram, every atom everywhere is really being projected from vibrational energy that is broadcast from within the intersection of those three axes.

There will always be rational people on both sides. There will always be irrational people on both sides. The people on each side who are able to remain rational, and let their cerebral cortex remain in control of their own thoughts and expression, instead of coming under the power of their older evolutionary brain layers, the mid-brain and the brain-stem, are the ones who should be the leaders and the negotiators. The people who are unable to remain rational should be retired, because their brains are suffering usually from old age, and are becoming rancid.

2) The rights that the Israelis have, in overcoming the British in Palestine, of the governmental layer of sovereignty, never justified them violating the "personal sovereignty" of the Palestinian individuals and families, of the non-governmental layer. In America, we have Constitutional protection against the government unlawfully taking our real property and our personal property, and also the property of our individual "person", without due process of law, and without paying just compensation. There are plenty of model concepts to be found in our state laws, encouraged by our federal laws, to respect the yards and homes of individuals and families. In California, we call it "Eminent Domain" (governments right to take and pay for, property, after due process of law), BUT also "Inverse Condem- nation" (the individual's, and the family's rights to sue for just compen- sation). I learned all this the hard way, trying to explain eighty years of past real property law on a 1904 house and easement, to a city government lacking in ability to use their cerebral cortexes to reason. I also found out that our civil litigation process was technologically obsolete.

One aspect of the truth behind the Los Angeles riots is that the legal process not only discriminates against minority people, it is actually not functioning at an effective level in most of the cases. It is not just the black people who cannot receive a logical conclusion from our legal process. It is just insane to continue to try to do it without more judges, either that, or put all the law we have evolved to the "music" of computer litany, taking all the wisdom of specialists in every field of law, and distilling it into these "templates" of decision, which can be played thru an "ISSUES PROCESSOR", like sheet music thru a "player piano", to make all judges effectively smarter, and reduce their workload.

We don't have time to keep on doing it all the old way, the slow and method- ical way, requiring human intervention at every instance something comes up for decision. We need to convert all our judges into programmers, to learn to distill their wisdom into "expert systems", which I envision as these "templates" of decision, listing all the normally-occuring allegations that are usually necessary to "constitute a cause of action", for a particular type of case.

Because I don't want money, or lack of it, to hinder the evolution of your "case", I will need you to agree to reimburse me only for actual costs, mostly telephone charges to deliver your printouts by FAX, or other similar copying and postage costs.

I am not making any money at this software effort currently, so I can't carry these costs myself, at this time. Because these matters affect the lives of millions of people, you should consider that any communications on issues are "public", that is, to be available to the news media, who will act as our "court reporters". Communications on nutritional stress advice, or personal recommendations will always be confidential.

If there are any readers of this message who can contribute money to help me expand these services, to serve more pairs of rational disputants, at a higher level of service, I will follow thru and do so. Any money that is voluntarily contributed will be credited against any future software "site-license" fee, for the software.

I have started so many projects, and was trying to start a software company all by myself, and doing all these jobs, plus the ordinary stresses of human life, including an older husband in declining health, I just spread myself too thin, and my body took the punishment for it.

BUT, I can't let you suffer, and leave you "twisting in the wind", just because I am not able to operate a regular business, with employees ready to help me do it.

If you will "bear with me", and work with me, as a private citizen diplomat, with no foreign aid to offer to influence you with, no fancy weapons to intimidate you with, no official power to commit our own government, just the "ideas" that you need, that will speak for themselves, if at all, then I will try to help you the best way that I know to do. I can advise you on nutritional support for clear thinking, and to overcome the depletion of your body's reserves, caused by stress. I can advise you on using your brain in both intellectual\rational and intuitive modes. I can advise you on using computer software to help you stay focused on your dispute's factual issues, instead of being pulled into the flood of hormonal emotional upset.

As one of the "cream of the crop" of my high school class, I ranked in the top 1% and 2% on nationally-standardized tests for all four years, plus ranking in the top half percent (99-1/2%) on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. I saved some of these papers, and have proof on the last one, plus the SAT test results. I have most of my high school report cards. I am now 47 years old, and have continued to improve my intellect and added intuitive right-brained talents. I can help you on many levels, to under- stand the important things that you must know, to deal with the massive changes we will all be going thru, as the "new paradigm" coalesces, and it must be on a higher plane, not on a lower plane.

IMPORTANT. I was raised by a mother who had trouble being paranoid, and after I left home, I realized that we all constantly project ourselves into the future, into the level-of-consciousness in ALL-THAT-IS, like a gigantic Cosmic Computer, by the choice of what we allow our thoughts to dwell on. We can either choose to



We Become What We Think About, just like we were recording tomorrow's "movie" on the videotape of today's thoughts. If you will alert your head-of-state, to my offer, and serve as the intermediary, to relay the advisory letters to the rational elements in your people, in the leadership, I can provide the "ideas" that will get you thru the quagmire we presently appear to be stuck in.

The secret is that people and societies have to be "stuck" in a stable quantum level of consciousness, and the task of the leaders is to get everybody "stuck" at a slightly higher level of consciousness than last time. The "thought frequency" that a person gets "stuck at", determines their consciousness level, like "vibrations". Our brain is like a radio, and we can learn to "change the channel", to "change the station", and "tune into" a better frequency.

In any dispute, there are multiple layers of consciousness, and if we work hard at improving our communication, and our understanding, we can arrive at the highest level, of all the intermingled layers, where everybody "wins". The linear-minded thinking of our pre-World War II leaders can only conceive of someone being the winner.

The international community must not sit back and wait, while human beings rights are so blatantly being violated as in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Perhaps the United Nations' missions all need to have more legal knowledge, especially on Eminent Domain and Inverse Condemnation law. I envisioned a need for my legal research on prescriptive rights and adverse use, to be available in a treatise, named "SOZA, On Personal Sovereignty", but it is as yet not available. Hopefully, it will be made available, perhaps on CD-ROM, with the aid of scanners.

For those nations who become ready to utilize my software developed to help national governments update their bureaucracies, to enable improving their response to the evolving populations' new demands for respect for their "personal sovereignty", I intend to release the software tools to help you do just that, to give you access to affordable software tools.

I know that you are not ready at this time, to accept my software proposals, and I hope that your programmers will buy copies of PowerBasic, and start learning how to use it. They don't need to make "units". It is just an easier user interface than Microsoft's forms of Basic, and it is faster.

We have a lot of work to do, and so don't let anything hold you back from asking for help. I will let you know whatever you need to know, to resolve your disputes, based upon the issues, just like a court case, with minimal cost for my expenses.

I am hoping that our citizens will decide to hire the Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, to be our next American President, one of the "cream of the crop" of our nation's younger generation, like myself.

I listened to his foreign policy "State of the Union" speech today, and I did not hear anything that I disagreed with. I can support what he wants us to work toward.

You will find that the American leaders of the post-World War II generation now coming up, will be more able to think in complex, multi-dimensional terms, something too hard for the leaders now in their 50,'s, 60's, and 70's.

It is not their fault, just that they are the "out-of-date" evolutionary models, and they have worked too hard the only way that they knew how, but it just is not enough, not powerful enough, not fast enough, not capable enough to react to the challenges of the "new paradigm", which I labeled "Crystallized In Tranquility", about ten years ago.

Either you can let me start teaching you how to consciously create the future, in a more constructive manner, or I will continue to make these choices of themes all by myself, just like I have been doing since about 1973.

Just send me your "wish lists".

What we need is a common agenda, that we can all focus on, to work together constructively, and not just re-act to each crisis. We need to gradually work on knitting all of the raveled threads of the fabric of our reality, back into a single non-linear calendar, with many working groups and task forces, not leaving everything to the media to focus public opinion, until the governments will finally act. The first priority must always be that government must respect the "personal sovereignty" of the individual and of the family, and make sure that others do too.

I could not wait to try to explain it to you, though I kept on trying.

[ From SADAT and Camp David Accords attempts. ]



It is a gradual process, and I will be glad to teach you how to do it, if you can hold the thoughts in your mind, without losing the thought. And if you have trouble with that, I can advise you on nutrition to help that too.

I have a whole library of "ideas", already thought out, to offer suggestions on the most pressing issues of today.

I am also sending a copy of my letter to George Bush of a few days ago, stating my vision of how America should redefine its role in the world. I will go as fast or as slow, as you are able to go. It really is not that hard, just like waking up from a dream, into a higher, more clear time dimension. I am an expert on brainwave coordination.

I can only communicate in the English language.

So, to get started, send me a FAX with name and mailing address information, as to which rational human being is responding to my initiative, and give me your FAX number, so that I can get "breakthru" messages thru to you, quickly, when I need to conjoin you into my "Time Matrix Translation" process, and send me a list of the allegations in your dispute, together with the name and address of a similar rational person on the opposing side, not necessarily always the one who is supposed to be in charge, just someone who is rational.

I will also need an indication that you can reimburse me for actual costs.

And We Will Begin.

And So It Is.

Shari Soza, Yreka CA 96097

"Crystallized In Tranquility"


Copyright 1992-1996, Shari {Seth} Soza invite1.htm 

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ESSE {SHARI SOZA ENTERPRISES}: Personal Sovereignty Support Systems, Philosopher Futurist Consultant, NutriZen\ BodyEquations, Mensan, Time-Matrix Translation, Reality Change Consultant, Management Consultant, Stress Depletion Consultant, Dispute Resolution, Creating A Future