7 Sept 1974AD

I am ready, Father

"Take these things, my child, and tell your people,   that they may be warned and given time to correct their actions.

Time is drawing to a close.

Irreparable damage has been done to the life support system you know as planet Earth.

The original balance of nature has been distorted beyond hope of saving.

Your people's planned actions to further disrupt and manipulate My system are going to have disastrous results.

Already, so much oil and water has been pumped from the Earth, so much soil depleted and lost to erosion, so much pollution, adulteration and thoughtlessness allowed, that Earth is no longer suitable for human habitation.

Your people have grown dependent and weak, fat and lazy, thru too much easy living, too many things.

You have tried to control My system, when you are inadequate to the task.

You are My shadow,  cast in living tissue,  in My movie,  My dream.

Lost in your roles, grown attached to the sameness of repetition, you have solidified, become matter, forgotten you're energy, and lost the power to adapt, as you must, if You are to survive.

The show is not quite over. The ending not quite determined. There is still choice. The "energy shortage" a warning, that you may realize your error, while there still is fossil fuel for your addiction.

But Time is now almost gone, and Your chance to complete this story satisfactorily getting slim.

For all your assumed brilliance and your science, you fail to understand your source, your essence, what you are.

You've become unconscious, lost in a dream. Your true nature, your true being left repressed, denied, while you play some game of pretending you are not really here, NOW.

You have had your chance to be all that I designed you to be, to complete the dream, and you resist, preferring to play and replay the dream, never bringing it to the last act.

But now the stage is crumbling, the actors forgetting their lines, not even able to learn from their mistakes.

I have heard one of You say You are plannng to strip mine the land that you do have, so that you may continue to pursue your addiction to the illusion of control

Since I have given you life and freedom to choose,  I can not stop you.

I will only offer once more, a way to the happy completion, for those who desire to follow that dream, to finish their roles.

By this time next moon, the answer will be obvious to those with this desire.

I am staging a revolution in the hearts and minds of those who are mine, those who still follow my queues.

And these will beam the changes to the others, creating conflicts, fights to the end within their corrupted minds.

But they will be able to do no harm to my people, because my people have My strength, My will behind them, and since I am All-That-Is,  there can only be My story, My ending.

All these lost actors can do is pretend they are real, long enough to destroy the stage.

I will begin again, and we will go thru this all again, until you have decided to follow My queues.

Again and again and again and again, forever.

Or, You could choose to take a constructive attitude, admitting your inadequacies, asking My help, while there is still Time left.

Show me that you are surrendering, and I will allow you to come out of your addictions, your sleep gradually.

Recommit yourselves to a life as I intended for you, give up your addictions to things and money, instead learning to quiet your mind, so that you may be able to hear Me, and asking Me for specific solutions that will work, for you obviously cannot do it on your own;   you are too stupid.

This is My job.

Gather together, those of You who hear Me, and work to do what I have been asking to you to do, but you were afraid.

Now is the time for everyBody to be in tune, to have plenty of rest, and for every mind to be perfected.

Sharpen up your roles, have a little faith in yourselves to allow you to remember your lines or faith in Me,  because I know all the lines, and We can complete this Show.

Play your games out, all those saying you wanted in the story, and then we will try to get my lines done.

Satisfy yourself and desire no more new additions to the story.

Take relief from your cravings by craving not to crave, and when this craving is satisfied, you will be healed, whole.

One by one, let Me again say your lines, thru You,  just opening your mouth and letting Me worry about the sayings.

I AM ALL THAT IS. I know all there is to know.   I can wait for ever.

There is a much more interesting world when you let me make it, and live in harmony with its laws.

When you try to make your own, artificial world, you forget important parts, because your view is limited, finite.

How much better to leave the hard part to   All-That-Is,   and take rest.

Once again, learn to trust in Me, for all your wants.

You are runaway children, hiding from your Creator.

And in hiding, you are forgetting the source of your energy, that you must be in contact with Me to continue living.

No power toy can operate long after it's pulled out it's own plug.

There is always only NOW, and your capacity to store past and future has confused you, locking you into useless patterns,  into not being able to grow, to adapt.

In using your option to know, you have chosen unnecessary misery, insecurity, and want.

When all of You once again have admitted that you can't make it by yourselves, when all of you once again have re-all-ized what I designed you to be, then I will remake the world, into the paradise I created before.

Until that day, you suffer justly for your deserved results.

Not punishment, rather the law of cause and result, the law of cause and effect.

Copyright 1974-1996    Shari {Seth} Soza

Another one from that "voice",    in 1972
Another one from that "voice",    in December, 1974

Where it all began,    April 7, 1967
And where the process really began in earnest,   December 1973
"It is very edifying to ......", 12-21-96

ESSE {SHARI SOZA ENTERPRISES}: Personal Sovereignty Support Systems, Philosopher Futurist Consultant, NutriZen\ BodyEquations, Mensan, Time-Matrix Translation, Reality Change Consultant, Management Consultant, Stress Depletion Consultant, Dispute Resolution, Creating A Future
