Some Lessons
I followed with interest your latest Summit Meeting with the leader of the United States; after listening to the interpretations and afterthoughts in the press that reflects your impressions of the effects of this summit, let me give you my viewpoints. Perhaps my perspective will allow you to realize some truths about the time matrix translation process that you need to learn.
It is never easy to make major transitions in thinking, as one direct jump from a stable quantum level to another stable quantum level, with all of one's programs (thinking habits) projecting all at once, in one jump.
The process is rather a sequence of forays into the next stable quantum level, and then returns back to the old stable quantum levels of self.
Each time we transition to the next stable quantum level [LET US NOW BEGIN TO CALL IT THE "NEW STORY"] we convince more and more of our "OLD STORY" self to change frequency to the "NEW STORY".
Think of your personality or self programs asif they are thoughts that are permanently recorded within the atoms and molecules of your body. As the atoms are recording the frequencies of the energy patterns, this includes heart rate, angles between astronomical bodies, light and sound, etc., as well as the dominant consciousness level of thought.
The frequency is the vibratory rate of the level-of-consciousness asif all thought has a range of frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum, except it is more complex; asif all possible thought is expressed in these vibratory rates like a series of possible radio stations which one may "tune in to"----- intuition.
Our "mind" is the sum total collection of all of these permanently recorded thought vibrations and with them the memories, some of which "run" at 33rpm, like a phonograph record, some at 78rpm, and some at 45rpm.
If we want to use the full power of our mind all at once, we must learn to rerecord these same atoms and molecules to run all at the same speed, every so often.
It is something like having a computer with a hard disk and every so often we must erase everything and then load the saved files back onto it, because the computer disk forgets where it put some of the "blocks" and gradually gets more and more space taken up with blocks that it can't use.
So for Ronald Reagan to make such a giant transition will take time, and many back and forth appearing expressions as he works thru the transition process. Thankfully, he is a symptom of our older generation. Hopefully, with our next President a younger man, you should be able to make faster progress on the transition process.
Think of the transition process as a sort of teleportation, a translation process from one stable quantum level to the next, a little bit converting at each foray.
I would be happy to work on the style of the process with you, if I could help you all understand it. I cannot commit our government legally, but I could input my comments on the nature of the time-space matrix translation problems that I observe, and how you might overcome the impasses and obstacles.
You are both to be applauded for attempting one of the most original efforts for peace ever known on this planet.
But before you glorify yourselves too strongly, let us remember that there is much more work to be done. We are still not "out of the woods" of danger from the possibility of another nuclear accident, and our real enemies are accidents and the inevitable psychotic Moslem terrorist who might get control of one, and use it, before we can destory them.
No responsible leader of a civilized nation, which both the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. are, can ever actually use nuclear weapons against the other side. The fallout which would remain would make life on Earth unbearable even for the "winner".
For how long have both governments been overcome by the paranoia of fear that the other side might decide to use them against us? How much of the wealth of each nation has been invested in this paranoia, at great cost to the living standards of our people?
These are the questions which we must remain focused upon. Paranoia means that we project ourselves into the possible future of our worst imaginings. By believing in our worst fears, we engrave those thought frequencies onto our atoms and molecules, and trap ourselves into that stable quantum level.
We should learn how to deliberately project ourselves into the best possible future of our own CONSTRUCTION, by conscious choice.
It is all choice.
No one of us Earthlings can destory the Creation, completely, but the losses that are real are the loss in standard of living by all that misinvested wealth, and the loss of information and technology that we might destory if we let an accidental nuclear war ever start.
How far back in time might we set ourselves, technologically, by a careless bit of undisciplined paranoia?
Now is the time for sober reflection.
Neither economic or political system is perfect. Neither capitalism, nor communism is or ever was a completely perfect working operating system.
Both need revitalizing, and both need to be reborn into a higher stable quantum level, a next order of complexity/simplicity.
As the people of each system evolve, and especially as they become more educated, the nature of the operating system must adapt, to serve the real needs of the people. Any government which does not put the needs of its people first and adapt itself to serve those needs will need to be improved.
Before we can accomplish the perfect utopian operating system to serve the real needs of the human beings, the people, we must translate our thinking beyond our focus on weapons [though that is necessary for real peace] and we must put even more energy in concentrating our thoughts on putting the personal sovereignty of our people as a top priorty.
Only when the people, when each individual within the body of the people, is secure in his or her own thoughts and able to be in control of his or her own choice of which stable quantum level of thought frequency to focus in, only then will such person be able to be fully productive and well, as a direct result of being centered in his/her own highest level of brainwave coordination.
It is too fixed and stagnant for individuals to have all their decisions made for them by central planning bureaucrats. Each individual must learn to make their own individual plans, to project their own selves ahead in time, into a "NEW STORY" of their own choosing.
Only then will utopia succeed. Only then will we all rise to the full potential of the truly magical beings that we are.
Both capitalism and communism are stale and stagnant systems, in isolation. Both have failed to be the end-all, be-all operating systems that they hoped to be in their beginnings. No single economic system is 100% correct. No single political system is 100% effective.
All governments (all political systems), all economic systems, all systems of laws, must be reconfigured to conform to the more flexible pattern of order-taker, driven by the consumers' demands. This approach puts the needs of the people, the human beings with real biological needs, first.
So we must ask ourselves, What are governments? Why do we want leaders? Do we want civilization which brings out the best in us? Or do we want a civilization (state of order) which brings out the worst in us?
We must involve the people in these momentous decisions, for the choices which are to be made as we transition into the new paradigm, which I name "Crystallized In Tranquility", as the theme, these choices are best made by an ongoing dialogue of the people, not arbitrarily made by bureaucrats who are insulated from the choosers who should be choosing.
Wherever possible, the people should be given a set of choices, like "which one do you want, a, b, c, d, e, or f?"; not "this is what you get, a, because that is all we have"; change right and wrong wherever possible to option and choice.
Initiate citizen initiative and referendum, like we have in California. Even the federal government of the United States has not given us the option of a federal initiative and referendum. For more details on how to do this, contact Secretary of State March Fong Eu, Sacramento, California.
Continue to aggressively utilize the television and the radio, to allow citizen input, and to hold the dialogue, the ongoing discussion about choices and their pros and cons.
Stimulate free expression, but encourage people to not dwell on the nega- tives. It is enough to be able to voice the problems. Dwell on the positives and make more recordings of the positives. The negatives make their own locks on the atoms and molecules and need no repetition. Positives need many repe- titions to engrave their frequencies on the atoms and molecules.
This is the secret of peace. If you want to project yourself into a stable quantum level of peace, you must make engravings of peace thought frequencies, and cease making engravings of war thought frequencies.
Think of all objects as recordings of thought freqencies. Just as the primitive priests made amulets and talismans to symbolize his prayed desires, every physical object that we make is an engraving, an amulet or talisman broadcasting frequencies of the intent of the maker.
If we want to stop projecting ourselves into the stable quantum level of war, we must stop making recordings of war fears, doubts, and threats, which are our word weapons, and we must instead invest in making more recordings of peace hopes, which are our efforts at understanding each other, and our efforts at helping our people have a better and better standard of living.
We must forever give up the practice of stealing land from each other, at the expense of the inhabitants. No war is holy, which uproots families, or maims or kills, or destroys buildings and hospitals. No government is worthy of continuing which does these things to its own people. No government is worthy of continuing which does these things to the people of other nations.
If governments could restructure, to change their approach to serving the real needs of their citizens, and really governing by the consent of the people, the stable quantum level which would result would be a world where people have the powers, and government has the restrictions. Geographical sovereignty would decline as the main basis for government, and instead the personal sovereignty of the people would be the main basis for government.
It is not enough to allow the people to vote for their leaders. Real democracy is participatory democracy, where the citizens have more input into the choices. Leaders are servants of the people, not rulers over the people.
Merely voting for leaders has proven itself to be a fraud. First of all, you can't ever get all of the people to vote, and by not voting, they are voting "none of the above". Sure we need leaders to represent our desires fulltime at a capital center of choice making, but a short season of campaign promises every so many years is not nearly as responsive to the desires of the people as the initiative and referendum process.
Even better would be a microcomputer-assisted dialogue of ongoing discussions of the choices and proposals, which would precede the initiative and referendum procedures.
Sharon Elizabeth Soza
Yreka, California 96097
June 3, 1988
cc: Jack Matlock, U.S. Ambassador to U.S.S.R. U.S. Embassy Moscow, U.S.S.R.
Ted Koppel, ABC News, Nightline c/o 267 Broadway New York, NY 10007