And what is wrong with them.

(signs of an abusive parent)

They tell you how bad the pregnancy was when they carried you and if abortion was available in their community, they would have aborted you...
They never grow up.
They never forget what you do
They never forgive you and proceed to tell you so.
They never quit 'talking to you',  criticizing / nagging you.
They always want 'whats best for you', when they do not even have a clue as to what is 'best'.
They never quit telling you how you are not capable.
They always expect you to read their mind and know what they want, when they want it.
They criticize you for mind reading when they do not want you to know what they expect of you.
They always expect the best of you, even when you do not fell like being your best.
They always see the splinters in your eyes, but are blind to the logs in their eyes.
They are 'worse' after their first stroke then before their first stroke, if such a thing were possible...and it is..possible for them to get; even meaner, nastier and more vindictive..
Then the parent say's, "After i am gone."
'' you will be put into a institution, because you are not able to take care of yourself. ''
you do not fix your self up to look like the best looking lady in town.
Implying that people with disabilities are unable to care for themselves.--whoa lock up all the paraplegic's or orthopedic challenged--and start a disabled revolution.


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