I Am You
Loneliness you grab me
and rip me apart
you forge a hole
of pain right through my heart
you beat me down true
like any emery would
and drive me to tears
as only you could
you make warm air
seem cuttingly cold
and you take over my spirit
with your manor so bold
you tear away smiles
and laughter so much,
that my body seems brittle
and harsh to the touch,
in every cell,
every whimper and tear
you yell in the echo
one thing you make clear
in this moment that
I'm so clearly alone
there's no one to love
no one for my own
I vow always to beat you
with hobbies and such,
interests and concerns
but it doesn't help much
for you beat down the walls
I build up against you,
'til I cry out in sorrow,
"yes, it's true I am you"
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Written by: Cara Marie Filipeli