"The Change"
A second away from a tear
my throat seems ready to close
my heart it seems will burst to bits
and probably come out my nose
I'm full, there's just too much thank you
I've had all I can take
and if something doesn't happen soon
my poor little spirit will break
I walk around afraid to swallow
thinking there's no room in here
I want to fly off a mountain top
but there's no mountains near
maybe I need to go shopping
or maybe to go ride a bike
or maybe I need tell people
they all need to go take a hike
there's something closing in on me
don't tell me it's my imagination
I can feel it crowd me and I think it wants
to shake my very foundation!
If it thinks it can beat me it's wrong
for I'll never loose hold of me
I know who I am and I don't give a damn
I'll not go insane, don't you see?
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Written by: Cara Marie Filipeli