Welcome to third grade! Third grade is an amazing year in which students make great leaps in critical thinking, independance as learners, character formation, and personal responsibility. This will be a year when your child develops a love of learning that will last a lifetime!
Lunch: Lunch begins at 11:30. Please feel free to sign in at the office and join your child for lunch.
Schedule: P.E. days are Wednesday and Friday, for Mrs. Higgins' students and Tuesday and Wednesday for Mrs. Wunner's class. Please make sure your child has proper clothing and footwear. Water bottles on warm days are essential. We are scheduled to visit the Library on Fridays.
Homework: Please be sure to read the weekly 'Monday Note' and review your child's weekly work; look for these on the first school day of every week.The Monday Note details homework assignments, provides information about upcoming events, and includes many important reminders. Also, please check your child's 'Purple Homework Folder' daily for unfinished work and/or communication from the school. We ask that you please check and sign all homework/ assignments, before returning them to school in the 'Purple Folder'.
Money: Please place all money that needs to go to the office in a sealed envelope or ziploc baggy, labeled with name, grade, and pertinent information. Please do not combine payments for multiple items in one check.
and Announcements
Reading Rocket Program
We want to see our students grow as readers; that is why daily reading is part of a third grade student's homework. To celebrate reading accomplishments we have the 'Reading Rocket Program'. During the months of October-April, students read as many pages as possible and complete a Rocket Report Form for each book read. Every month students reach their monthly reading goal, they will receive a free pizza certificate. There are also prizes for reaching halfway and final reading goals.
2010-2011 Reading Rocket Monthly Deadlines: 10/27, 11/30, 12/17, 1/31, 2/28, 3/31, 4/21. Half-way goal must be reached by 1/21. Final goal deadline is 4/21.
Science (Second Semester)
In Science, we study Matter, Electricity, Magnets, Changes in the Earth's Surface, The Solar System, Stars and Constellations, Health, The Musculoskeletal System, and The Nervous System. Students love the opportunites to investigate, experiment, and make discoveries.
'Solar System Project'
In conjunction with our Solar System studies in science, each student is required to complete a 'Solar System Project', which includes a written report, a physical project, and a short summary oral report. Detailed information is sent home near the end of March about this project.
History (First Semester)
'Fact-Finding State Report'
In History, we study the regions of the United States. Students are introduced to the unique characteristics of six different regions of the United States. Then, students have the opportunity to discover more about one of our wonderful states. Students select a state that interests them (limit: one student per state, per class) and research to find out specific facts about that state, answering questions on the "Fact-Finding State Report" form provided by Mrs. Higgins. Students need parent guidance with on-line resources. One site that contains all the needed information is:
On November 3, students turn in their completed "Fact-Finding State Report" form (download the form by selecting the icon below), along with at least one picture from that state. Students will also give a 1-2 minute Oral Summary of the state facts they have discovered to their class. They will be graded on both the written and oral reports.
First Quarter Memorization
All third grade students are to memorize "The Ten Commandments", using the version sent home and be ready to recite it for a grade on October 1.
Second Quarter Memorization
Mrs. Higgins students will memorize "A Patriotic Creed" and be ready to recite it for a grade on Tuesday, October 26.
Third Quarter Memorization
Mrs. Higgins' third quarter memorization selection is "Harriet Tubman" (download the text by clicking the link below). Please work on this memorization at home. Students will be reciting the selection, for a grade. Harriet Tubman Memorization
Fourth Quarter Memorization
Students will make their own memorization selection from an approved list sent home during the fourth quarter and will memorize this at home, with parent assistance.