Old Page Klinefelter Syndrome


Alliance for Genetic Support Groups

American with Disabilities Act

 Council for Disability Rights




Medical Links

The Testosterone Source - www.testosteronesource.com
A Web site devoted exclusively to helping men, women, and physicians understand the impact of testosterone levels on the health of mid-life men. Developed by SmithKline Beecham, but it has lots more info than just a sales pitch for Androderm.

Med Help International - www.medhelp.org
Dedicated to providing quality medical information in order to foster better understanding.


National Library of Medicine - www.nlm.nih.gov
Every significant program of the Library is represented, from medical history to biotechnology. 

Kansas University Medical Center - www.kumc.edu/Pulse/

English Dictionary of Medical Terms - allserv.rug.ac.be/~rvdstich/eugloss/EN/lijst.html
A glossary, in English, produced by The Academisch Rekencentrum.

Tokyo Medical College - www.tokyo-med.au.jp/genet/index.e-htm
The English page by Dr. Hironao Numabe, M.D., D.M.Sc., Department of Paediatrics.

The Medical Center Web - www.medcenter.com
This Web site currently contains three sections: The Physician and Surgeon Web Directory, ECG Web, and the Community Health Calendar Web. The Physician and Surgeon Directory contains links to over 1500 doctors’ personal home pages. For doctors, listing on the directory is free. ECG Web is a service that allows patients with cardiovascular disease and abnormal electrocardiograms to publish their ECGs on the WEB. In the event of an emergency, ER doctors will have subscribers’ baseline ECGs available when making important treatment decisions. The Community Health Calendar Web is a listing of health lectures and other events at local hospitals. Hospitals list their event calendar for free.

Genetic Organization Links

Intersexed issues


Family Issues

XXY Guide

Online Issues

Klinefelter Syndrome and Associates - www.genetic.org/ks/
Provides support for sex chromosome variations 47XXY, 48XXYY, 48XXXY, 49XXXY, and 49XY/XXY.

Human Growth Foundation - www.genetic.org/hgf/
Provides support for short stature, Growth Hormone Deficiency and Turner Syndrome.

Alliance of Genetic Support Groups - www.medhelp.org/www/agsg.htm
The Alliance of Genetic Support Groups is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families who have genetic disorders.

American Self-Help Clearinghouse - www.cmhc.com/selfhelp/
The American Self-Help Clearinghouse has been developed to act as a starting point for exploring real-life support groups and networks that are available throughout the world and in your community.

Turner's Syndrome Society, Texas - www.eden.com/~ploof/Turners/
Support for Turners Syndrome.

Typed, pasted, etc to make the following part of this page.

A lot about Mosaicism XXY, XXY/XY, XXY/XX XXXY, XXXY/XXY, XXXY/XY And many other such combinations. i.e. XXY/XX or XXY/XY in which a certain percentage of the cells are XXY and XY or XXY and XX. From 1938---1971 there was a drug known as DES that was marketed in the USA on the mistaken beleief by Drs. that Di-Ethyl-eStro-bial (DES) would prevent miscarriages. Visit the DES ORG for more information. I have yet to find any information on DES and KS.
bulletChromosome Abnormalities

Chromosome Deletion Outreach

Includes abnormalities involving inversions, duplications, rings, duplications, and translocations 

Chromosome 4

Wolf-Hirschorn Syndrome: 4p- Parent Network Homepage 

Chromosome 5

Cri du Chat Syndrome Support Group (Culcheth, England)

Chromosome 11

The Fragile Website
11q Research and Resource Group

Chromosome 13

Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13 and Related Disorders (SOFT)

Chromosome 17

Smith-Magenis Syndrome: PRISMS 

Chromosome 18

Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society
Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13 and Related Disorders (SOFT)

X Chromosome

Klinefelter Syndrome & Associates
Turner's Syndrome Society of the United States
Turner's Syndrome Society, Texas


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