Klinefelter Syndrome   |     home

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 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
 American with Disabilities Act Home Page
 Council for Disability Rights
 Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services (CORN)
 Genetic Education Center
 Learning Disabilities Association
 National Institute of Health (NIH)
 National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE)
 National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD)
 National Parent Network on Disabilities
 Online Genetic Syndrome Support Groups
Klinefelter XXY links
XXY a Parent's View
Find others with XXY
Klinefelter support links
Klinefelter Syndrome Support Page

  • Colorado Klinefelter Network
  • Understanding Klinefelter Syndrome
  • XYY Syndrome Discussion Board

  • New Zealand Klinefelter Association
    XYY -- Stereotype of the Karyotype

    Free Molecular Visualization
    US National Center for Biotechnology Information
    NIH Center for Molecular Modeling
    Brookhaven National Laboratory
    Chemistry Dept, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
    Journal of Protein Science
    Mathematics & Molecules
    WWW Entrez
     Molecular Animations
     Theoretical Biophysics Group
     Computational Center for Macromolecular Structures,

     ChemDraw & Chem3D
     New Look
     US NIH Molecular Modeling

    Reference Databases
    McDermott Center for Genome Research Home Page
    Molecular and Cellular Biology Home Page at Roswell Park
    BAC/PAC Resources Home Page at Roswell Park
    Comprehensive list of Biosciences network resources
    Search GDB using keywords
    GDB Browser
    Ideogram Interface to GDB Search GDB by clicking on chromosomal bands
    Human Genome Project Internet Resources
    Query the GenQuest server
    Human STS vs YAC Screening Database
    Mouse Genetic Map Information
    Mouse Genome Database
    Mouse Locus Catalog
    Encyclopedia of the Mouse Genome
    Forms searching of several sequence databases
    Biologist's Control Panel
    YAC Data Searches
    CEPH-Généthon Integrated Map
    GenomeView Map Data Resources
    Genome research network resource list
    CHLC marker data
    CHLC maps
    Human chromosome 19 physical map

    Calvary Chapel
    CC of Redding
    LCC of Redding

    Trinity Alliance

    Billy Graham Org

    Peace with God

    Racing for Jesus

  • Harvard Biological Laboratories Genome Research network resources 
  • The Genome Data Base (GDB) WWW page 
  • The JHU Bioinformatics Web Server 
  • The Center for Genome Research at the Whitehead Institute 
  • The Jackson Laboratory 
  • Mouse Genomic Resources and the Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome
  • The BioSCAN project 
  • The Baylor Genome Center WWW page 
  • CEPH/Généthon 
  • The Cooperative Human Linkage Center (CHLC) 
  • The SRSWWW Browser for Databanks in Molecular Biology Requires forms
  • The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Human Genome Center
  • The Cold Spring Harbor Computational Group WWW page
  • GDB and OMIM on-line training
  • National Center for Human Genome Research

  • Human 2-D Page Database



    National Support Groups / Information Sites Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement.
    I list sites of national support groups I have found on the Web and I do not review them for the accuracy of the information they provide. Any information you find should be reviewed with your health care provider for accuracy.

    Sites are listed alphabetically by disease/conditon name or disease/condition category.
    For example, Marfan Syndrome or Miscarriage are under "M"
    If any of these links change, send email to starwalker@snowcrest.net with the new link.

    Click letter above to "jump down" the page to that letter.

    A B C D E F G H I, I2 J K
    L M N O P P2 Q R S T U
    V W X Y Z
    aka Riley-Day Syndrome
  • Familial Spastic Paraparesis
  • Fanconi Anemia Research Fund INC.
  • The FOD (Fatty acid Oxidation Disorder) Network On-line Newsletter
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome / Effect
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • FRAX Research Foundation Homepage
  • Fragile X Foundation
  • Fragile X Advocate
  • Freeman Sheldon Parent Support Group
  • G




  • Intersexed
  • Intersex Society of North America-Prepare for an outspoken attitude.
  • Intersex Support Group International-Christian Intersex Support Group















