Old Page Klinefelter Syndrome


Alliance for Genetic Support Groups

American with Disabilities Act

 Council for Disability Rights




Variations of K.S.
IIs what is known as XXY/XY, or XXY/XX or
XYY/XY or XYY/XX, or even XXX/XY, and
even XXX/XX Those starting with XXY are
known as Klinefelters Syndrome, those with
XYY are Double Y and those with XXX are
Trisomny X. Those that are mosaic are
variations of the above three listed
What a 'genotype' is.
The genotype is the genetic gender of a
person; like the XY, XX, XXY, XYY, XXX
and even the Mosaic's.
What a 'phenotype' is.
IThe phenotype is the PHYSICAL gender of a person; REGARDLESS of their Genotype.
The PHENOTYPE while influenced by the
genotype for the inutero baby to become the gender f the genotype, DOES NOT always happen. Sometimes their are hormonal disorders, genetic variations, drugs or prescription meds the parent took within the 1st 6-12 weeks after concpetion and so forth.There are seven (7) known genetic causes and 43 hormonal causes that can cause the phenotype to not be what it is presumed to be. 
This is a kind way of saying that the babies gender may be BLURRED. or partially both.



What a 'chromosome' is. 
TERMS:I Presume you
know what an EGG  and a SPERM is.Once the EGG is fertilized by the SPERM and if attached to the uterine wall, it is known as a ZYGOTE until a few weeks then it is known as a baby, or using the latin word it is called a fetus..which means the baby
while still alive is now

(under American Supreme Court Decision in 1972-

   which NOT A LAW

liable to be murdered via abortion. Fertilized Eggs not yet attached are known as EMBRYO's. 
Even the embryo has all the genetic code to make a human being. 

of genetic units, that contain 100 of million of genetic instructions of the DNA. There are 23 pairs with a human - usually- with one-half of those 23 pairs comming from the father and the other half from the mother. The 23rd pair is the pair that determines gender. 
Males have an X and a Y chromosome on their 23rd pair. 
Female have two X's, thus XX on their 23rd
The Y chromosome is ALWAYS passed
thru the male to the male child.  Paternity of a male child of a man can be proven this way, beyond a doubt. 
  Copyright© 1996-2000 Wendy Holmes All Rights Reserved